Tag Archives: auction

Love & Sharks

Design by PangeaSeed Creative Director - Aaron Glasson (Rah Akaishi)

I have recently been invited to participate in The Great West Coast Migration, a touring art exhibition, organized by PangeaSeed in an effort to benefit sharks and oceans in Japan and beyond.  According to PangeaSeed, “We are very excited to showcase a robust fund-raising art collection featuring works contributed by more than 100 internationally renowned artists, graphic designers, filmmakers and photographers. Almost all of our globally-based artist friends will be premiering their works for the first time ever in the United States. Also a percentage of the proceeds from the summer exhibitions will also help in aiding the startup of PangeaSeed’s inaugural west coast chapter whose mission and efforts will help further fundraising to keep sharks afloat on the west coast and around the world.”

The exhibition tour will take place at the following:

Seattle – Roq la Rue Gallery- July 13-15
Portland – Grass Hut Co.- July 20-22
San Francisco – Spoke Art Gallery- July 27-28
Los Angeles – LeBasse Project- August 2-4
Costa Mesa – The Artery- August 10-12
San Diego – Space 4 Art- August 17-19

Participating artists include: Dave Kinsey, Mike Stilkey, Brad Klausen, Yoram Benz, Skinner, Gale Hart, Shark Toof, Bwana Spoons, Craig Tapecat McCudden, Bigfoot, Danny Miller, Rah Akaishi, Justin Lovato, Lindsey Carr, Serge Gay Jr., Brett Amory, Robert Bowen, Ryan Maguire, MCA, Mario Wagner, John Fellows, Ronzo, Sylvia Ji, Toshikazu Nozaka, Michael Alm, Lindsey Way, Remo Camerota,  Cometdebris (Koji Harmon), Gargamel, Blunt Graffix (Matt Dye), Samuel Rodriguez, Aaron De La Cruz, Ben Tour, Linnea Strid, Crajes, Becky and Louise, Max Dalton, Olek, Caitlin Hackett, Derek Nobbs, Jeni Yang, Scott Belcastro, Yoh Nagao, Joshua Petker, Flick Ford,  Lisa Congdon, Josie Morway, Luciano Scherer, Scott Hove, Tati Suarez, Tugboat Printers, Victor Castillo, Peap Tarr, Meg Adamson, SHERYO, Aidan Monahan, The Yok, Spencer Keeton Cunningham, Cinzah Merkins, Nao Harada, Sage Vaughn, Adam Wallacavage, Erik Otto, Mr. Jango, P Williams, Morgan Slade, Jasper Wong, Flavien Demarigny, Laura Ball, Courtney Mattison, La Pandilla, Sam Rulz, Casey Grey, Greg Simkins, Jim Phillips, Nathan Spoor, Kid Creature,  Ransom and Mitchell, Cupco (Luke Temby), Kelly Allen, Sean Tuttle, Amy Guidry, Kozyndan, Rhys Cooper, John Stuart Berger, Bruce Gossett, Sandra Cappelletti, Michael King, Carbon, Kim Scott, Ashley Suzanne Taylor, Mika Tenekoon, Pascal Lecocq, APAK, Asher Jay, Trip Airways, Kaoru Sakai, Jim Mazza, Winnie McDonald, Rob Mack, Jeremy Pruitt, Rick Rietveld, Ben Brough, Caspian de Looze, Nathan Paul Gibbs, Thaddeus Strode, Paul Kaiju, Le Merde, Vexta, Kool Kid Kreyola, Foerdl Scheichenost

I’ll be posting my finished piece for the exhibit here (and the links below) so be on the lookout.



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Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Amy-Guidry/51953219932

Donations, Charities, Auctions and Art

I’ve discussed donating art a few years ago on this blog, but since this is such a debated topic, I thought it would be useful to revisit it.  It’s great to have someone think so highly of your art that they believe it would help their organization to auction it off.  On the other hand, as your career progresses, you’ll find that you are being asked to donate your work to auctions A LOT.  Sometimes one a week.  At that rate, you won’t have any art left to sell.  So what’s an up and coming artist with a heart of gold to do?  Well it won’t be easy, but you’ll have to pick the ones you want to help (and feasibly can) and politely let the others know that you can’t.

Sounds simple enough, right?  There are a few considerations to keep in mind first.  Obviously if the auction/charity/event is to benefit something close to your heart, then those are the causes you’ll want to start with.  Some causes may not be in line with your beliefs- for example, I am a vegan, therefore I will only donate to charities that do not test on animals.  While you are narrowing down your favorites, also take a look at the event details:

Where is the event venue?  Is it a venue that you are proud to be associated with?

What is to become of your donated art- is it going to be hung on a museum wall or is it being used in an auction?

If it is an auction, what happens if the work is not sold– do you get it back?

Do you like the other artists’ work that will be seen with yours?

If it is an auction, is the starting bid price at a reasonable rate so as not to devalue your work?  Can you set the starting bid price yourself?  Can you set a reserve amount?

Do you get a percentage of the sale?

Will you receive free tickets to the event (presumably for you and a guest)?

If you cannot answer these questions, then don’t be shy- find out from the event organizer or coordinator.  Many organizations, while they mean well, do not realize that artists get these requests quite often and that they are essentially asking you for a donation worth hundreds or thousands of dollars, so don’t feel bad about looking out for yourself.  Also, be aware many organizations will try to sell you on the idea of donating as a tax write-off.  This is only partly true.  You can only deduct the supplies/materials used to create the piece.  You cannot write-off the actual art donated.  (This only applies to collectors of art that has appreciated so they donate to museums and get out of paying income tax on the appreciation.)  It’s unfair, I know, but that’s how it works, at least in the United States.  If you’re looking to get some sort of deduction, you should just write a check to the organization.  If you are happy with the event parameters and have available work to donate, go ahead with it, attend the event, and do some networking. Perhaps the auction winner will become your next collector…



Sign up for my monthly newsletter at: www.amyguidry.com/contact.html

Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Amy-Guidry/51953219932

Party Pics

The Prospect New Orleans Benefit- Throwdown.1.5- last Saturday was a big hit. Many people were in attendance after the Julia St. Artwalk in New Orleans. My painting “Kerry” now has a new home (see previous post). And I met some other exhibiting artists as well. So if you missed the event, here are a few photos to enjoy the event vicariously. You can see more at this direct link: www.amyguidry.com/events.html.


"Kerry" by Amy Guidry, 2005, acrylic on canvas
"Kerry" by Amy Guidry, 2005, acrylic on canvas

This weekend I will be one of the artists featured in the Throwdown.1.5 auction to benefit the Prospect New Orleans Biennial. It’s for a great cause and it’s in New Orleans, so all the more reason to go! I am honored to be included amongst such great artists, some of which are from my own area. My painting “Kerry” from my 2005/2006 series will be up for auction. It is an acrylic on canvas, framed, and total size dimensions are 16″w x 13″h (view more of my work at www.AmyGuidry.com). The event will be held at Stage 3, Secondline Stages in New Orleans this Saturday, February 5th from 8-11pm. So if you are out and about for the artwalk, stop by afterwards. Tickets are available online at www.brownpapertickets.com/event/146659.

Artists featured in the auction include: Wayne Amedee, Luis Cruz Azaceta, Kathleen Banton, Mark Bercier, Tim Best, Brice Bischoff, Jessica Bizer, Ralph Bourque, Hannah Chalew, Stephen Collier, Beth Dary, Luke Dubois, Aubrey Edwards, Lin Emery, Amy Guidry, Brian Guidry, Sally Heller, Chris Jahncke, Dick Johnson, Rachel Jones, Krista Jurisich, Les Lawrence, Charles Lovell, Sophie Lvoff, Carolyn McAdams, Natalie McLaurin, Michael Pajon, Francis X. Pavy, Mary Jane Parker, Stephanie Patton, Anastasia Pelias, Emily Sartor, Kate Samworth, Karoline Schleh, Regina Scully, Elizabeth Shannon, Dan Tague, Steven Tetters, Michel Varisco, and Monica Zeringue

Two Exhibits, One Day

“Food or Pet? How Do You Decide?” by Amy Guidry; SOLD; (C) Amy Guidry 2009

I’m going out with a bang this year… just when I thought it was calming down. Ha! I will have work in two upcoming exhibits- the opening reception for both is on the same night.  First, I am one of the invited artists in the Wally Workman Gallery exhibition, “Feast.” The title of the show does not necessarily pertain to food, so feast is open to interpretation. There is a preview of the show on December 3rd, from 6-8pm as part of their First Thursday Artwalk. The actual opening reception will be December 5th, from 6-8pm. In addition, they are hosting FINE FOOD ART NIGHT on December 10th 6-8pm. Edible Austin magazine will also be there for an evening of fine food and fine art. Local food tastings provided by the Austin chapter of Les Dames de Escoffier and local catering companies will be creating their culinary interpretations of pieces from the show. A portion of the proceeds will go to Urban Roots, a youth development program that uses sustainable agriculture as a means to transform the lives of young people and to increase the access of healthy food in Austin.

In addition, I will be participating in an art auction during Le Feu et l’Eau Rural Arts Celebration. Also known as the Fire and Water Festival. The Fire and Water Festival has a “warmup” event on December 4th from 7-11pm. The schedule has not been announced yet, but I can tell you it will most certainly involve lots of live music and lots of food. The actual event and auction will take place on December 5th from 11am-11pm.

So if you’ll be in Austin, TX, be sure to check out Wally Workman’s exhibit. And if you’e in Arnaudville, LA, check out the Fire and Water Festival. And if you’re able to teleport, do both. And if you can’t make it to either one, there’s always www.AmyGuidry.com

The 411 on Donating Your Art

"New Realm" by Amy Guidry- Sold at Auction

I get asked to donate my artwork fairly often. And this topic has been broached with me before in the art marketing class that I have conducted. So I thought it might be helpful to offer some insight into donations. First, you won’t be able to do them all- and please don’t feel bad about it. I get letters and emails requesting my work, sometimes several in one month. If I donated to all of them, I’d be out of paintings. And a girl’s gotta eat, so I have to have something left to sell. Next, you should decide who you’d like to help. Some charities hold the same art auction every year, so if it’s one that you would like to help on a continual basis, you can go ahead and plan on that and mark your calendar for it in the upcoming year(s). Or, you may like to alternate who you help and plan on donating to a different charity next go round just to even out the playing field a bit.

When deciding on who you would like to donate to, there are a few things to take into consideration. What does your donation do for this charity, organization, etc.? What will you be supporting? Does this follow your personal beliefs? What type of venue will hold the event? Who are the other participating artists? Would you be honored to have your work seen in such an event and amongst the other artists’ work? What kind of publicity will you gain from this experience? Will your donation conflict with another obligation, be it an exhibit, juried show, etc.?

I know this is a lot to consider and may even sound selfish, but the truth is, there’s much more to consider when donating your art than just simply writing a check to support a cause. This is about more than just money because it also involves time and labor- lots of it. You’re an artist, you know that it wasn’t easy to create this piece you’re about to give away. It took time, supplies, energy, creativity, willpower, and probably involved a personal sacrifice ranging anywhere from sleep to your family. So yes, you should consider what you get out of this. And if you decide that you can’t part with your work for whatever reason, but would truly like to help, simply write a check for this organization, charity, etc. You’ll directly help them without feeling guilty. And there’s certainly nothing wrong with just stating the truth- “I’d love to help, but I have [fill in other obligation here] and won’t be able to. But please add me to your mailing list, I’d love to donate next year.”

Thoughts? Questions? Let me know, either here or at www.AmyGuidry.com!

LPB Auction

"Transcendence" by Amy Guidry; From the New Realm series. Copyright Amy Guidry 2009

I will be participating in the LPB Art and Travel Auction, which supports Louisiana Public Broadcasting. I was asked to participate as a representing artist for the Oak Street Gallery in Hammond, LA. So I did a small piece, 6″ x 6″, wood-cradled panel, titled “Transcendence.” This piece is an extension of my New Realm series and features the red and black butterflies seen throughout the series. I also added some of the flowers and blue swirls seen in a few of the other paintings in New Realm.

Aside from being part of the live auction on LPB during primetime, my painting is included in an exhibition of all the art up for auction at the Louisiana State Museum in Baton Rouge. The exhibit will be on display through May 18th. On-air coverage will be during primetime on June 7th at 6pm. You can also bid online at http://auction.lpb.org/. Just look under Gallery 17 Oak Street and you’ll find my work listed there!

If you’d like to see more of my work, or my entire New Realm series, go to my website at www.AmyGuidry.com. And if you’re a regular, check out my new home page design!

Maryland or Bust

"Anti-Aging" by Amy Guidry; Copyright Amy Guidry 2009

I received a call the other day from an artist and gallery owner in Maryland interested in my work. I was familiar with Jill Hackney’s work and knew that she had recently opened a gallery there, so I was thrilled that she called me. Too bad I had the flu at the time, but I was surely as excited as one can be when they are lying on their deathbed. Anyway, in addition to showing at Jill’s gallery, R. Coury Fine Art Gallery, she also asked that I participate in two exhibitions. One is in conjunction with Pinkapalooza, a benefit for the Blossoms of Hope Foundation. The other is for GreenScape, a benefit for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.

"Special Ingredients" by Amy Guidry; Copyright Amy Guidry 2009

“Anti-Aging” will be featured in the “Hope” exhibit at R. Coury Fine Art Gallery as part of Pinkapalooza. I chose that piece because aside from having a lot of pinks and pastel colors in it, it’s also a piece about female beauty at any age. “Special Ingredients” is the painting I chose for the GreenScape exhibit which will be held at the Cotton Shed Gallery at the Savage Mill in Savage, MD. I felt this piece was appropriate for a green-themed exhibit given the rainforest destruction that occurs thanks to the fast food industry and beef industry in general. Plus there’s nothing ‘natural’ about fast food since it’s pumped full of trans fats, hormones, antibiotics, and a whole plethora of unknown substances.

So if you are in the area, go to R. Coury Fine Art Gallery for the Pinkapalooza benefit starting April 1st and open through May 15th with an auction and closing reception. The GreenScape exhibit will be April 13th and run through May 3rd with an auction and closing reception. If you’d like to learn more about these events, visit www.SavageMill.com. And if you’d like to view a larger image of these paintings, visit my website www.AmyGuidry.com.

Look What I Got!

"Evangeline Maid" by Troy Dugas; Copyright Troy Dugas 2009

Yes, I’m bragging.  Not often that I get to do that.  I (will officially) own a piece by my friend, Troy Dugas, as of March 11th.  It’s currently on display at Gallery 912 in Lafayette, LA, but after that it’s MINE… muahhahahaha (that’s my evil laugh, by the way).  As luck would have it, I was dropping off my piece for the Art of Re-Use exhibit when Troy happened to show just as I was leaving.  So I had to see what he brought knowing I’d want first dibs, er, I mean, knowing that I’d want to purchase a piece to support the Children’s Museum of Acadiana.  When I saw it, I knew I had to have it.  Not that I’m a big fan of Evangeline Maid bread (I only eat 100% whole wheat, not that processed stuff) but given the fact that I love intricate patterns, bright colors, and hell, that bread company is a Louisiana company, I knew I should buy it.

I don’t even have it here with me, so I can only hazard to guess at it’s size, but if photographic memory serves, I’d say it’s 16″ x 20.”  If I’m right, you can be sure I will gloat about this in a later post.  The entire piece is made up of cut-up squares of Evangeline Maid labels that are rearranged into the lovely pattern you see here.  It’s then magically attached to wood- I don’t know all his secrets.  Anyway, you can see more of Troy’s work on his website www.TroyDugas.com (you may have, or should have already done this if you check out my blogroll- these are important links, why else would I post them?!)  And if you’re in New Orleans this month, you can see his work at Arthur Roger Gallery through the 28th.  So get to steppin’!


The Art of Re-Use

Amy Guidry and Deborah Norsworthy at the Heymann Ceiling Tile Project and Exhibition

Everyone is all about the Green Movement these days. I’ve been all for it for over 20 years now (yes, hard to believe, right?), and now it’s gained more popularity than ever. So perhaps that is why recycled art materials are gaining popularity? Or maybe people just think it looks cool. Either way, you can show your support (ostensibly for the Green Movement) by attending the Art of Re-Use exhibition at Gallery 912. The opening reception is tonight (oops, so much for advanced notice) from 6-9pm at Gallery 912 in the Oil Center in Lafayette, LA.

All sales from the exhibit are to benefit the Children’s Museum of Acadiana. The exhibit will later be on display in June at the Acadiana Center for the Arts (AcA). Last year’s benefit was also a re-use of sorts because invited artists were given a 100-year old ceiling tile to rework. The photo to the left is actually from that exhibit. The woman featured with me is Deborah Norsworthy, the curator and exhibit planner for the Children’s Museum of Acadiana.

Sadly, I do not have a photo of my piece. I completely forgot to take a photo of it. I can tell you that I painted on a wooden ceiling fan blade. It features the Stag from my New Realm series. If no one knew any better, they might just think I had a long, narrow piece of wood to paint on and cut a neat shape out of the end of it. Hee hee.

So if you’re looking to check out an exhibit, stop by Gallery 912 sometime soon. And even if you can’t make it, you can still see my work at www.AmyGuidry.com.