Artists: Scam Alert!

"The United States of Consumerism" by Amy Guidry; Copyright Amy Guidry 2009

I’m always on the lookout for opportunities to further my art career.  Unfortunately, there are some losers out there who are looking to take advantage of that.  I did a little research online concerning an opportunity I came across that sounded too good to be true.  Apparently that’s because it is. is promoting their Biennial Competition with a $10K first place award- yes, 10,000 dollars.  Aside from the fantastic prize money, I had to wonder about this since I’d never even heard of them before.  I’ve heard of many artist grants organizations, but never this one.  So I kept an eye on their site…  interestingly enough, I discovered that their entry fee kept changing (increasing, of course) over the past couple of months.  And the deadline has been extended three times so far (at least since I’ve discovered this “competition”).  And who the hell are the jurors?   

Well, further investigation has dug up some more interesting tidbits…  According to Art Opportunities Monthly, tried to get their Biennial listed in their classifieds.  Turns out AOM discovered their domain had been registered for a matter of days before they were listing their competition. AOM also states that the address provided to them for the listing “was a private home which had been bought for well over the asking price just a short time ago (arousing a newspaper’s suspicions that a kickback and finagling with mortgage money was involved). And now, the house just appeared on the market as a HUD foreclosure, meaning that the extra money the buyers had borrowed will not be paid back.”

In addition, AOM also asked about their organization, judging, funding, etc. and never received a response.  I found the same to be true for others’ attempts to contact  So, after finding out all of this, I am steering clear of this “opportunity” and passing on this information to everyone in the blogosphere!  Just goes to show that unless you are already familiar with an organization, you should always look into them before entering or sending them money.  Many artist listings sites have a disclaimer that they are not responsible if it turns out a listing is a scam and that they do not do background checks, so to speak.  So be sure to do your homework!

I’m So Excited!

"Metamorphosis" by Amy Guidry; From the New Realm series. Copyright Amy Guidry 2009

And I just can’t hide it. If there’s an award for dorky blog titles, I’m sure to receive it shortly. Anyway, as you may have already surmised, I have some good news. No, great news. I’ve been dying to find out the results of a competition I entered recently and as per usual with these things, the results were not announced on time. (I’m no math whiz, but I’d have to say this happens about 97% of the time.) So I was just taking care of emails and got my announcement! My work has been accepted into the 2009 Art Melt to be held at the Brunner Gallery in the Shaw Center for the Arts! Yea! So here’s the really exciting part… normally they only have one juror, but this year they had three. One of which happened to be the curator of Prospect 1, the Art Biennial held in New Orleans recently. Here’s the listing of jurors from the Art Melt site:

Dan Cameron is the visual arts director at the New Orleans Center for Contemporary Art. Cameron served as the director and curator for Prospect.1, the largest biennial of international contemporary art in the United States, recently held in New Orleans. Cameron has previously served as artistic director of the eighth Istanbul Biennial and curated the 2006 Taipei Biennial.

Ann Connelly is a Baton Rouge-based gallery owner with more than 18 years of experience as an art dealer. Her gallery, Ann Connelly Fine Art, represents a wide variety of local and national contemporary artists who have achieved recognition in national collections and publications.

Brian Young is the curator at the Academy Art Museum in Easton, Md. With more than a decade of curatorial experience in both traditional and contemporary art, Young has a history of success at Cranbrook Art Museum in Bloomfield Hills, Mich. and the Arkansas Arts Center in Little Rock.

The painting that was chosen is “Metamorphosis” from my New Realm series. It happens to be one of my favorite pieces, so I’m especially happy it was selected. (If you’re new to my work, that’s a photo of it on the left.) The opening reception will take place July 10th from 6:30-10 pm at the Shaw Center for the Arts in downtown Baton Rouge, LA. You can find out more details at

And if you’d like to see more of my work, visit

The 411 on Donating Your Art

"New Realm" by Amy Guidry- Sold at Auction

I get asked to donate my artwork fairly often. And this topic has been broached with me before in the art marketing class that I have conducted. So I thought it might be helpful to offer some insight into donations. First, you won’t be able to do them all- and please don’t feel bad about it. I get letters and emails requesting my work, sometimes several in one month. If I donated to all of them, I’d be out of paintings. And a girl’s gotta eat, so I have to have something left to sell. Next, you should decide who you’d like to help. Some charities hold the same art auction every year, so if it’s one that you would like to help on a continual basis, you can go ahead and plan on that and mark your calendar for it in the upcoming year(s). Or, you may like to alternate who you help and plan on donating to a different charity next go round just to even out the playing field a bit.

When deciding on who you would like to donate to, there are a few things to take into consideration. What does your donation do for this charity, organization, etc.? What will you be supporting? Does this follow your personal beliefs? What type of venue will hold the event? Who are the other participating artists? Would you be honored to have your work seen in such an event and amongst the other artists’ work? What kind of publicity will you gain from this experience? Will your donation conflict with another obligation, be it an exhibit, juried show, etc.?

I know this is a lot to consider and may even sound selfish, but the truth is, there’s much more to consider when donating your art than just simply writing a check to support a cause. This is about more than just money because it also involves time and labor- lots of it. You’re an artist, you know that it wasn’t easy to create this piece you’re about to give away. It took time, supplies, energy, creativity, willpower, and probably involved a personal sacrifice ranging anywhere from sleep to your family. So yes, you should consider what you get out of this. And if you decide that you can’t part with your work for whatever reason, but would truly like to help, simply write a check for this organization, charity, etc. You’ll directly help them without feeling guilty. And there’s certainly nothing wrong with just stating the truth- “I’d love to help, but I have [fill in other obligation here] and won’t be able to. But please add me to your mailing list, I’d love to donate next year.”

Thoughts? Questions? Let me know, either here or at!

The Next Place to Catch My Work

"Special Ingredients" by Amy Guidry; Copyright Amy Guidry 2009

I know, I know, not the most creative title for a post. Maybe I’m just tired…it’s been a long day and I’ve been out and about in this dreaded heat. Summer in Louisiana is miserable. Sooo, how appropriate that my next show is up north. R. Coury Fine Art Gallery in Savage, Maryland has a group show currently up for the next couple of months. My work is included in the exhibit, which is opening for their 3rd Friday Artwalk. The reception will take place June 19th from 6-8pm. So if you’re in the area, check it out. Or depending on how badly you want to get out of this heat, maybe you’ll take a trip up to MD. It’s at least 10 degrees cooler up there and probably not as humid… And if you’d like to just stay put and enjoy your air conditioning, you can always go to my website to see my work at!