Tag Archives: festival

L.A. Art Event

“Renew” by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 6″ x 6″; SOLD; (c) Amy Guidry 2018

If you missed the opening of “The Revival” at Cactus Gallery in Los Angeles, there will be another event tomorrow.  The gallery will be open for the 11th Frogtown Art Walk on Saturday, September 22nd from 4-10pm.  It is a community festival that stretches 2 miles along the LA River.  Numerous venues will host pop-up art exhibits, food selections, stages and performance spaces, all for free.  37 venues (Cactus Gallery, 3001 N. Coolidge Ave. LA CA 90039 is #29 on the map), 50+ artists, 3 stages with music, a “literary lounge”, an interactive light installation stretching ½ mile along the LA River, pedi-cabs, and more.

My painting Renew will be featured as part of “The Revival,” an exhibit which explores life, death, rebirth and growth represented with natural imagery.  You can view Renew online (and purchase ahead of the event) here: https://cactusgalleryla.com/collections/the-revival-2018/products/renew-by-artist-amy-guidry.


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Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/AmyGuidryArt

Two Exhibits, One Day

“Food or Pet? How Do You Decide?” by Amy Guidry; SOLD; (C) Amy Guidry 2009

I’m going out with a bang this year… just when I thought it was calming down. Ha! I will have work in two upcoming exhibits- the opening reception for both is on the same night.  First, I am one of the invited artists in the Wally Workman Gallery exhibition, “Feast.” The title of the show does not necessarily pertain to food, so feast is open to interpretation. There is a preview of the show on December 3rd, from 6-8pm as part of their First Thursday Artwalk. The actual opening reception will be December 5th, from 6-8pm. In addition, they are hosting FINE FOOD ART NIGHT on December 10th 6-8pm. Edible Austin magazine will also be there for an evening of fine food and fine art. Local food tastings provided by the Austin chapter of Les Dames de Escoffier and local catering companies will be creating their culinary interpretations of pieces from the show. A portion of the proceeds will go to Urban Roots, a youth development program that uses sustainable agriculture as a means to transform the lives of young people and to increase the access of healthy food in Austin.

In addition, I will be participating in an art auction during Le Feu et l’Eau Rural Arts Celebration. Also known as the Fire and Water Festival. The Fire and Water Festival has a “warmup” event on December 4th from 7-11pm. The schedule has not been announced yet, but I can tell you it will most certainly involve lots of live music and lots of food. The actual event and auction will take place on December 5th from 11am-11pm.

So if you’ll be in Austin, TX, be sure to check out Wally Workman’s exhibit. And if you’e in Arnaudville, LA, check out the Fire and Water Festival. And if you’re able to teleport, do both. And if you can’t make it to either one, there’s always www.AmyGuidry.com

So Here’s a Recap

If you’ve been following along, you probably know by now that I had an opening last weekend. I’m sure many of my blog readers were not in the vicinity of Hammond, LA… what are the odds, really? So, I’ve posted just a few photos from the show. (You can see more where that came from in my Events section on my website, so here’s the link: www.AmyGuidry.com/events.html.) There were a lot of people in attendance, especially since the opening was held during “Hot August Night,” which is an annual art & music festival. My painting, “Cocoon,” sold during opening night. The show received a highly positive response from those in attendance. I ran out of business cards before the night was over! Note to self: bring a backup stash of cards in a ziplock bag and cram into teeny tiny purse.

So if you haven’t seen the show and are in Louisiana, you can still check out my work! My New Realm series is on display at the Oak Street Gallery in Hammond, LA at 111 North Oak St. (go figure). And for a virtual show experience, go to my website at www.AmyGuidry.com.