So Here’s a Recap

If you’ve been following along, you probably know by now that I had an opening last weekend. I’m sure many of my blog readers were not in the vicinity of Hammond, LA… what are the odds, really? So, I’ve posted just a few photos from the show. (You can see more where that came from in my Events section on my website, so here’s the link: There were a lot of people in attendance, especially since the opening was held during “Hot August Night,” which is an annual art & music festival. My painting, “Cocoon,” sold during opening night. The show received a highly positive response from those in attendance. I ran out of business cards before the night was over! Note to self: bring a backup stash of cards in a ziplock bag and cram into teeny tiny purse.

So if you haven’t seen the show and are in Louisiana, you can still check out my work! My New Realm series is on display at the Oak Street Gallery in Hammond, LA at 111 North Oak St. (go figure). And for a virtual show experience, go to my website at


“Complacent” by Amy Guidry; SOLD; Copyright Amy Guidry 2009

Wow, seems I’m going to be on the eastern side of Louisiana yet again. I currently have a solo exhibit up at the Oak Street Gallery in Hammond, LA (which opens this Friday!) and now I will have a show in New Orleans coming up next month. Lots of driving is on my future agenda… I found out today that my work was selected for inclusion in “No Dead Artists,” which is a juried exhibition held annually at Jonathan Ferrara Gallery in New Orleans. Jurors for this year’s show were Miranda Lash, Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art at the New Orleans Museum of Art; Charles Whited, New Orleans, LA; and John Kemp, writer, ARTNews, Art & Antiquities, American Artist, Louisiana Life, and editor of LA Cultural Vistas.

“And Justice For All. Void Where Prohibited” by Amy Guidry; SOLD; Copyright Amy Guidry 2009

Selected artists are: May Babcock, Mary Beyt, Gabrielle A. Chapin, Yvette Creel, Amy Guidry, Erin Haldrup, Stephen Hoskins, Eleanor Owen Kerr, Katie Knoeringer, Adam Mysock, Jonathan Pellitteri, Dan Rule, Paige Valente, Ryan Watkins-Hughes, and Sara White.

The exhibit will be on display from September 2nd- September 26th. The opening will be September 5th from 6-9pm. And for those of you in the Hammond area, don’t forget the opening reception for my New Realm exhibit will be from 6-10pm this Friday (August 21st) at the Oak Street Gallery. It will be held in conjunction with “Hot August Night” so parking will be limited. If you can’t make either show or if you just can’t wait, you can also view my work online at

Dimensions of Disclosure

Cover of "Dimensions of Disclosure" featuring my work

The book that I recently blogged about, “Dimensions of Disclosure,” will be available on Amazon in early September! Yea! The initial printings will go to galleries. I should be receiving my copy soon and will post photos on my website, etc. So be on the lookout.

If you are not already familiar, “Dimensions of Disclosure” is an art book featuring self-portraiture from artists around the country. It’s published by New Art Review and edited by K. Augustine. My painting, “Adaptation,” will be included, in addition to my bio and contact information, in a full-page layout. “Adaptation” is from my New Realm series and is currently at Wally Workman Gallery in Austin, TX.

"Adaptation" by Amy Guidry; From the New Realm series. Copyright Amy Guidry 2009

Artists included are: Laura Abramson, Kathy Augustine, Joanna Bavero, Bobbi Bennett, Benita Brewer, Carrie A. S. Caldwell, Ryan Carr, Jan Cheney, Stephanie Dana, Michael Diven, Viviana Florea, Amy Guidry, Robert Hacunda, Kathy Iwanowski, Case Jernigan, Ileana M. Johnson, Brooke LaBrie, Lacresha A. Lincoln, Ron E A Powell (REAP13), Jeanna Ragsdale, Laurie T. Seamons, Lauren Sudbrink, Andrew Toth, Kathleen Tumey, Paula Visnoski, Peter Wallis, and Patrick Wise.

If you’d like to see more of my work, be sure to visit my website at In addition to my paintings, you’ll find photos from exhibits, press information, and a signup page for my email newsletter.

Social Networking

My Fans

As if it wasn’t difficult enough just to paint, maintain a website and a blog, I decided to jump on the bandwagon and join some of the popular social networking sites.  It’s a lot to keep up with, but I have to admit I do enjoy meeting and reconnecting with people.  It’s amazing who you’ll find.  Anyway, as some of you may already know, I am on Facebook, but I also recently joined Twitter.  I’ve come to find that different sites appeal to different people, so it’s best to join as many as you possibly can.  So, that said, for those of you who frequent some of these social networking haunts, you may like to follow me on those as well.  If you’re on Facebook, you can follow my Fan Page.  And if you’re on Twitter, you can follow me at

And, of course, if you’d like to view all of my work, including event photos and press, go to my website at! And for those who are wondering, these four pictured to the left are some of my biggest fans. They lounge behind my easel all day, though it doesn’t look very comfortable in this particular photo…

Brick by Brick

"Maggie" by Amy Guidry; portrait commission

Whew! I’ve been busy… sorry for the delayed posting. As you may already know, I have a show coming up at the Oak Street Gallery in Hammond, LA this month. That entailed a trip with a U-Haul to get all of my work over there. Lots of big canvases that wouldn’t fit in my Jeep. In addition to my usual painting, I also did a portrait commission and my hand is starting to feel it! But I think the results paid off, so that makes it a little easier to endure. This is a painting of “Maggie”- I’ve met her before but I’m sure she doesn’t remember that. Anyway, I got a little crazy with the background and took on something much bigger than I anticipated. I do like the way the bricks turned out, though. No pain, no gain, right? Is that applicable here? I also played with the color scheme a little for an almost monochromatic feel. She was already wearing pink but I toned down the hot pink-ness in her shirt and applied more pinks and peaches to the bricks. Oh, and it’s an 11″ x 14″ acrylic on canvas!

I will be painting Maggie’s sister soon, so I will post that once I have it finished. In the meantime, check out my website for some more news in my Press section!