It’s Finally Here!

Cover of the premier issue of Studio Visit MagazineThe premier issue of Studio Visit Magazine has arrived…finally!  After a three month delay, the copies I had pre-ordered arrived on my doorstep.  My paintings “Out For a Run” and “Girl on Campus” were selected by juror Michael Lash, former director of the public art program for the City of Chicago.  As I had stated a few posts ago, this is the first issue of Studio Visit, a new magazine produced by The Open Studios Press of New American Paintings fame.  This time the competition was held across the country, not by region, and the work could be 2-D or 3-D, as opposed to ‘NAP’s’ 2-D-work-only policy. 

I have yet to venture out to the bookstore, but Studio Visit should be on the magazine racks by now.  There are two volumes since they decided not to make one super-huge issue.  I think splitting it in two is good for those with a short attention span anyway.  I am featured in Volume I (see photos above).  What’s nice is they are in a large paperback format, so it’s not so much a magazine as a good quality paperback.  Overall I was impressed with the work featured.  Of course there were a few I had to scratch my head over, but that’s to be expected.  In general, I think this is a great start for a new publication.  And might I also add that this is being sent out to their prestigious list of galleries, museums, and collectors.

My paintings \"Out For a Run\" and \"Girl on Campus\" were selectedI had also contacted one of the writers for the Times of Acadiana about this boon to our local art community.  Ashley Flanagan wrote a great piece concerning Studio Visit and the five Acadiana artists featured.  You can read it online at  I will also be posting photos online from my spread in Studio Visit on my website so be sure to look for those soon.

I Want My MTV

Copyright Amy Guidry 2008Be sure to tune in to the Real World Hollywood (Season 20- yes, it’s on now).  Not that I’m a reality tv buff, but I want you to watch and look for my painting on the wall in their house, er, set.  (They live on a movie set this season…hey, it’s Hollywood.)  I’ve only seen a few snippits online, but I’ve already spotted my painting many times.  It’s fun to look for it.  You should try it.  It’s kind of like Where’s Waldo, except without the striped shirt.  (Try guy in a canoe in the middle of the ocean wearing a blue dress shirt.) 

It’s right outside their “telephone room” which has a window, so sometimes you can even see it from in there.  And apparently the bathroom is across from there because I’ve also seen it in the reflection of the mirror.  And if you go to their “dailies” week 2, check out the clip of Dave shaving because my painting is in the background.  That’s if you notice it after noticing Dave has no clothes on…

\So maybe if you would like to spare yourself the drama on that show, you could just mute it and see how many times you spot my painting.  The painting is titled “United Isolation” and you can see a detailed view of it on my website  For the record, there was another painting they wanted- “Complacent”- but that was already in an exhibit at the Alexandria Museum of Art during filming.