The Art of Re-Use

Amy Guidry and Deborah Norsworthy at the Heymann Ceiling Tile Project and Exhibition

Everyone is all about the Green Movement these days. I’ve been all for it for over 20 years now (yes, hard to believe, right?), and now it’s gained more popularity than ever. So perhaps that is why recycled art materials are gaining popularity? Or maybe people just think it looks cool. Either way, you can show your support (ostensibly for the Green Movement) by attending the Art of Re-Use exhibition at Gallery 912. The opening reception is tonight (oops, so much for advanced notice) from 6-9pm at Gallery 912 in the Oil Center in Lafayette, LA.

All sales from the exhibit are to benefit the Children’s Museum of Acadiana. The exhibit will later be on display in June at the Acadiana Center for the Arts (AcA). Last year’s benefit was also a re-use of sorts because invited artists were given a 100-year old ceiling tile to rework. The photo to the left is actually from that exhibit. The woman featured with me is Deborah Norsworthy, the curator and exhibit planner for the Children’s Museum of Acadiana.

Sadly, I do not have a photo of my piece. I completely forgot to take a photo of it. I can tell you that I painted on a wooden ceiling fan blade. It features the Stag from my New Realm series. If no one knew any better, they might just think I had a long, narrow piece of wood to paint on and cut a neat shape out of the end of it. Hee hee.

So if you’re looking to check out an exhibit, stop by Gallery 912 sometime soon. And even if you can’t make it, you can still see my work at

New “New Realm” Painting

"Butterflies" by Amy Guidry; SOLD; From the New Realm series. Copyright Amy Guidry 2009

After a short break, I did end up painting another 4″ x 4″ panel piece from my New Realm series.  This one is “Butterflies” and features the red and black butterflies seen throughout the series.  I kept the composition rather simple given the small size of the panel.  These panels are great.  I found them one day while getting art supplies.  They’re so darn cute and very smooth.  Works wonders when doing tiny detail work (which is rather often for me…) so I do like working with them.  I do like canvas, too, though, so I won’t ever give that up. 

You can also view more of my New Realm series, including large pieces (and I do mean large!) on my website

New Realm- New Work

"Daybreak" by Amy Guidry; From the New Realm series. Copyright Amy Guidry 2009

Two pieces to mention from the New Realm series.  These are 5″ x 5″ paintings from the aptly titled, New Realm 5 x 5 series.  Both paintings feature the heroine of the story as well as the butterflies.  The top piece is titled “Daybreak.”  This was fairly time-consuming given all the butterflies in the painting.  However, I was rather happy with the outcome, so well worth the challenge.

The bottom piece is titled “Morning.”  This is also part of the 5 x 5 series. This painting stems from the large New Realm piece, “Renewal.”  Both have the same concept behind them- that of change, a new day, a fresh start.

Both of these new paintings will be featured in my upcoming solo exhibition at the Schepis Museum in Columbia, LA next month. The entire New Realm series, including the 5 x 5 series will be on exhibit.

"Morning" by Amy Guidry; SOLD ; From the New Realm series. Copyright Amy Guidry 2009

If you would like to view more of my New Realm series, in addition to previous bodies of work, visit my website at


"Mike" by Amy Guidry; SOLD; Copyright Amy Guidry 2009

I try to post as much as possible on here, but sometimes I slack off a bit when I’m really busy. Case in point. So while trying to catch up on recent news, I realized that I didn’t even post the last two paintings I sold. Sales are always good news, so that’s worth sharing. I sold two portraits that I had done awhile back. They were some of the first paintings I had done when I decided to paint professionally and make a career out of my art. I was especially glad since that series has dwindled down to not quite enough to have for a whole show, yet too many to have sitting in storage. And they didn’t exactly fit with my recent series, either. So now they have new homes, and I am very happy about that.

Both paintings are the same size, 30″ tall by 24″ wide. A “medium” size that I do, depending on your definition of medium. (I know some artists think 4 or 5 feet is “medium” sized…)

"Craig" by Amy Guidry; SOLD; Copyright Amy Guidry 2009

And they are both framed, so that actually adds an 1 1/2″ in each direction.  The painting, “Mike,” is of a friend I met through my husband. The painting, “Craig,” is of my brother (you may recall seeing his picture in previous posts). The “Craig” painting is actually the first portrait I did for this series.

You can view more from my portrait series, in addition to my new work at And if you haven’t seen it already, you can view my painting video on YouTube at http://www.

New Realm- New Painting

"Transition" by Amy Guidry; SOLD; From the New Realm series. Copyright Amy Guidry 2009

I’ve had a lot of positive response to my New Realm series, and of course everybody has their favorites in the bunch. One of my personal favorites happens to be a popular piece among viewers of my shows and of my website. It may even be your favorite- “Adaptation.” While this painting is rather large (4 feet tall and 3 feet wide), I have come up with a smaller solution that may soon be a new favorite. I found some 4″ x 4″ panels that I just fell in love with- great texture to work with, especially for small details, and the size is just too darn cute. So I have taken the beloved fish character and featured him in a 4 inch panel painting. I’ve aptly titled it “Transition.” To view more of my work you can also visit my website at