Better Late Than Never

"Untitled" by Amy Guidry; (C) Amy Guidry 2009

It’s late for me this evening, but I realized after slaving over a three-layer tofu cheesecake that I hadn’t posted on my blog! Soooo I decided to go ahead and give you fine folks a peek at what I’m currently working on. Normally I like to wait until a piece is finished, but this one is close enough, I figure why not. It’s Thanksgiving after all. Though this isn’t what I’d consider a festive painting… This is one of the most surreal pieces I’ve done so far. I’ve taken an approach more in keeping with that of the original Surrealist movement by using images from dreams (or in that twilight phase of sleep). I don’t have a title for this piece yet, but I’m thinking I might leave it that way. So right now I’m just referring to it as “the painting with the horse and the carcass in the desert…” (I think it’s catchy.  Haha) I’ll be posting it to my website soon, as well as other new pieces I have in the works, so be sure to check back!

Surreal Salon

Surreal Salon 2nd Annual Juried Exhibition

I’m excited to announce that my work was recently selected for the Surreal Salon- 2nd Annual Juried Exhibition to be held at the Baton Rouge Gallery Center for Contemporary Art. The Surreal Salon was formerly known as the Surrealist Ball and Juried Exhibition. This year the competition was expanded nationally, featuring 35 artists from across the country. In 2010, the Baton Rouge Gallery will again host a costumed soiree in honor of the Surreal Salon on Saturday, January 23, 2010 at BRG. Selected artists include: Chris Aaron, Baton Rouge LA; Ashley K. Bell, Baton Rouge, LA; Ron Bennett, Waggaman LA; Craig Black, Gonzales LA; Robert Bowen, San Francisco CA; Hannah March Campbell, Baton Rouge LA; Rachel Clark, Knoxville TN; Paul Dean, Baton Rouge LA; Lacey Dupré, Lafayette LA; Henryk Fantazos, Hillsborugh NC; Wylie Garcia, Burlington VT; Victoria Goro-Rapoport, Kearney NE; Morghan Gray, Baton Rouge LA; Amy Guidry, Lafayette LA; Todd Hines, Baton Rouge LA; Walter Hnatysh, Lake Worth FL; David Carlysle Humphreys, Baton Rouge LA; Bruce Humphries, Cheltenham PA; Lisa M. Johnson, Oxford OH; Marlene Llanes, Pasadena TX; Mario Marzan, Carrboro NC; James Russell May, Louisville KY; Mary McBride, Baton Rouge LA; Florence Alfono McEwin, Green River WY; Lee Ann Moser, Baton Rouge LA;
Armin Muhsam, Maryville MO; Melanie Peak, Baton Rouge LA; Russ Revock, Cleveland OH; Blake Sanders, Baton Rouge LA; Christopher Smith, Baton Rouge LA; Madelyn Smoak, Durham NC; Tamara Staser-Meltzer, Petalvma CA; Dyana Walker, Kerrville TX; Emily Williams, Columbus GA; Michael Yankowski, Natchitoches LA

More details soon.


"Boarfish" by Amy Guidry; From the New Realm series. (C) Amy Guidry 2009

I’ve recently sold another painting from my New Realm series. This one is titled “Boarfish” and was recently on exhibit at Galerie Lafayette in Lafayette, LA. I wanted to spotlight this character from a larger piece I had done titled “Acceptance.” BTW, “Acceptance” is now at Wally Workman Gallery in Austin, TX, so if you’re in the area, you should stop by to see it in person. It’s definitely a conversation starter to say the least. And since many people ask, here’s something educational for you (see, you can actually LEARN things on my blog…you’ll thank me later when this comes up on Jeopardy). According to Wikipedia, Boarfish is the common name of two unrelated groups of fishes: All fish of the family Caproidae are called boarfish. Some fish of the family Pentacerotidae are called boarfish. For the record, I knew nothing of this when I came up with my paintings, I just like boars and fish a lot. So I combined the two to create a friendly “beast” for my surreal fairytale. And if you’d like to see more of this series, be sure to visit my website at

Forgot to Mention…

"Food or Pet? How Do You Decide" by Amy Guidry, Feast postcard invitation

I’m excited to announce that in addition to the upcoming exhibition at Wally Workman Gallery, my painting “Food or Pet? How Do You Decide?” has been selected for the show invitation! So if you happen to be on the gallery mailing list, be on the lookout. As a reminder, “Feast” opens on December 5th from 6-8pm at Wally Workman Gallery in Austin, TX.

Two Exhibits, One Day

“Food or Pet? How Do You Decide?” by Amy Guidry; SOLD; (C) Amy Guidry 2009

I’m going out with a bang this year… just when I thought it was calming down. Ha! I will have work in two upcoming exhibits- the opening reception for both is on the same night.  First, I am one of the invited artists in the Wally Workman Gallery exhibition, “Feast.” The title of the show does not necessarily pertain to food, so feast is open to interpretation. There is a preview of the show on December 3rd, from 6-8pm as part of their First Thursday Artwalk. The actual opening reception will be December 5th, from 6-8pm. In addition, they are hosting FINE FOOD ART NIGHT on December 10th 6-8pm. Edible Austin magazine will also be there for an evening of fine food and fine art. Local food tastings provided by the Austin chapter of Les Dames de Escoffier and local catering companies will be creating their culinary interpretations of pieces from the show. A portion of the proceeds will go to Urban Roots, a youth development program that uses sustainable agriculture as a means to transform the lives of young people and to increase the access of healthy food in Austin.

In addition, I will be participating in an art auction during Le Feu et l’Eau Rural Arts Celebration. Also known as the Fire and Water Festival. The Fire and Water Festival has a “warmup” event on December 4th from 7-11pm. The schedule has not been announced yet, but I can tell you it will most certainly involve lots of live music and lots of food. The actual event and auction will take place on December 5th from 11am-11pm.

So if you’ll be in Austin, TX, be sure to check out Wally Workman’s exhibit. And if you’e in Arnaudville, LA, check out the Fire and Water Festival. And if you’re able to teleport, do both. And if you can’t make it to either one, there’s always