Museum Acquisition

"Zachary" by Amy Guidry; acrylic on canvas; (c) Amy Guidry 2010
"Zachary" by Amy Guidry; acrylic on canvas; (c) Amy Guidry 2010

I am happy to announce that my work is now in the permanent collection of the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art in Cedar Rapids, IA. My painting, “Zachary,” from my 2005 series of work is now part of the museum’s collection. The painting is 26″w x 22″h, framed, and an acrylic on canvas. To view a larger image of “Zachary,” visit my Facebook fan page at this direct link.  While you are there, be sure to join my page for the latest updates!

Into the Wild

Installation view of Amy Guidry's paintings from the In Our Veins series
Installation view of Amy Guidry's paintings from the In Our Veins series

My work was recently selected for inclusion in the Multispecies Salon 3: Swarm to be held in New Orleans this November. The exhibit will take place in three gallery spaces- The Front, Kawliga Studios, and Ironworks. As stated on their website, the exhibit will “use art to address a series of interrelated questions about nature: Which species flourish, and which fail, when natural and cultural worlds intermingle and collide? What happens when the bodies of organisms, and even entire ecosystems, are brought into schemes of biotechnology and dreams of biocapitalism? And finally, with particular relevance to New Orleans: In the aftermath of disaster–in a blasted landscape that has been transformed by multiple catastrophes–what are the possibilities of biocultural hope?”

Multispecies Salon was first organized by anthropologist Eben Kirksey and friends as an outshoot of the annual convention of the Association of American Anthropologists (AAA). The AAA will hold their convention in New Orleans from November 18-21, 2010. The Multispecies Salon will schedule a speaking series as well as a reception for anthropologists who will be in New Orleans for the convention on Thursday, November 18.

There are also three themes to the exhibit: “Edible Companions,” “Life in the Age of Biotechnology,” and “Hope in a Blasted Landscape.” Since this is still early, I don’t have all the details yet, but I believe my work will be in the “Edible Companions” exhibit at The Front gallery. The opening for the event will be November 13th as part of the Second Saturday Artwalk in the St. Claude Arts District. The exhibit will be up through December 5th. As I get more details such as time, etc. I will post as soon as possible. In the meantime, if you’d like to see more of my work, be sure to check out my website at

Studio Visit- Volume 12

Studio Visit Magazine, Volume 12
Studio Visit Magazine, Volume 12
The Wild West by Amy Guidry- Studio Visit Magazine, Volume 12
The Wild West by Amy Guidry- Studio Visit Magazine, Volume 12

The newest volume of Studio Visit magazine is finally out! I received my copy a couple of weeks ago, so I’m a little late in posting… I just scanned the photos now. This is the Summer edition, so it came out at the end of August. Studio Visit is published by The Open Studios Press and is the sister publication to New American Paintings. The juror was Dina Deitsch, the Assistant Curator of Contemporary Art, deCordova Sculpture Park + Museum in Lincoln, MA. My painting, “The Wild West,” was selected for inclusion and comes from my latest series of work, “In Our Veins.” If you’d like to see a larger image, as well as a close-up, the direct link is here-– (note: scroll down for the close-up).

September Artwalk

This weekend’s 2nd Saturday Artwalk for the month of September (Saturday, Sept. 11th) honors Elemore Morgan, Jr. The State of Louisiana has declared September 18th, Elemore Morgan, Jr. Day and will be commemorating this special designation with grants awarded by the Elemore Morgan, Jr. Visual Arts Endowment and a special reception during the Fall Fest event on September 11th’s Artwalk.  Galleries are hosting special exhibits as well.  The event starts early this month- from 4-8pm.

Acadiana Center for the Arts– 101 W. Vermilion St. / 337-233-7060
Main Gallery: August 14 – September 25, 2010- Michel Varisco: Shifting
Side Gallery: September 11 – October 1, 2010- Louise Guidry
Vault Series: August 14 – September, 25 2010- Kelly Guidry

Architects + Artists– 200 Jefferson St. / 337-232-0000

Cajun Spice– 535 Jefferson St / 337-232-3061

Cité des Arts– 109 Vine St. / 337-291-1122

Galerie Eclaireuse– 535 Jefferson St. / 337-234-5492

Gallery 549– 549 Jefferson St. / 337-593-0796- “Brush With Hope”– group exhibition to benefit the Jacob Crouch Foundation for the prevention of suicide

Gallery R (at The Russo Group)- 116 E. Congress St. / 337-769-1530

Pottery Alley– 205 W. Vermilion St. / 337-267-4453

Sans Souci Fine Crafts Gallery– 219 E. Vermilion St. / 337-266-7999

Whoojoo Stained Glass– 532 Jefferson St. / 337-269-9310


Detail from "Survival of the Fittest" by Amy Guidry; (c) Amy Guidry 2010
Detail from "Survival of the Fittest" by Amy Guidry; (c) Amy Guidry 2010

There are currently three sites posting my work, two of which include new interviews. First, as mentioned in an older post, my work was selected for inclusion on the beinArt Surreal Art Collective site. If you are unfamiliar with the site, it is an online collection of surrealist works by renowned artists (many are my personal heroes) such as Ron English, Laurie Lipton, and Kris Kuksi. I’m really excited and honored to have my work included among such great artists. Check out my profile at Guidry.

Two recent interviews are posted online as well. First, I had an interview with Guy Sangster Adams of the U.K.’s “Plectrum- The Cultural Pick.” It’s a great interview and Mr. Adams had some wonderful comments about my work so check it out at Plectrum-Exhibition/New Work Preview and Interview:Amy Guidry.

The second interview was with Silvia Moreno-Garcia of the Canadian zine, Innsmouth Free Press. Another round of interesting questions, which you can check out on their site at Innsmouth Free Press- Interview:Amy Guidry.

Field of Dreams

Artist Amy Guidry with her work at the Slidell Cultural Center at City Hall
Artist Amy Guidry with her work at the Slidell Cultural Center at City Hall

No one cares about your art more than you do. It’s true. It’s not unlike showing your vacation photos to everyone. They mean well, but after about two minutes, the enthusiasm wears off and their eyes glaze over. I was inspired to write this after going through some old art magazines to clear out the mountain of periodicals I’ve saved. I came across a rather disheartening article in a very popular magazine. The author was giving advice on how to be a successful artist. Some of the author’s tips? Paint what sells- not more “complex” paintings, don’t bother showing in libraries or university galleries since they don’t generate sales (museums usually don’t either, but I don’t know an artist alive that wouldn’t jump at the chance to show in a museum), and sell on Ebay- specifically bright, colorful, quick paintings- no drawings. I know better than this and even I found it depressing! I can only imagine what other artists must think.

So this is what leads me to my frustration. I don’t care who they are or if they mean well, no one truly cares about your art or your art career as much as you do. This is why you are the only one that can determine what your goals are and if, at the end of the day, you’ve done all that you can to achieve those goals. Don’t listen to the naysayers, the haters, the critics, the cynics, or the non-believers. What do they know anyway? Even some of the experts can’t always predict what you, personally, need to do. That’s why it’s up to you to take in all this information and filter through it and find what is applicable and toss away what’s not. You know what you need to do. You know if your work is the best it can be. You know what you should create. If you try to “paint what sells,” you’ll be chasing your tail for quite some time. Popularity changes as do marketing trends. Something that sells one day, won’t the next. That’s why there are trend analysts that make a living at this. Great work is great work and it will attract its own popularity. And while I’m at it- if you were to avoid university galleries, libraries, museums, or any other venue for fear of little to no sales, you wouldn’t be an artist, would you? I couldn’t imagine not having the experience of seeing art, especially when I was a student, at a university gallery or museum. Some of the most significant shows of our time come from these venues.

In my own personal experience, I’ve heard it all. I’ve been told what I should paint, how I should paint, and I’ve even had a drunk non-artist tell me what is and isn’t art. When I made the decision to paint and to try to get into a gallery exhibit, even one of my “good” friends told me that I couldn’t do it. It’s a good thing I didn’t listen to any of these people, otherwise I may not have even been an artist at all. Anyone listening to that kind of advice would quit before even starting. Don’t make that mistake. If you’re already a working artist, just keep on trucking. If you’re just starting out, stay focused and put your blinders on. And maybe invest in some good ear plugs.

Being a true artist takes grit. There’s a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, and you’ll need to develop a thick skin. However, I can’t imagine a more rewarding experience.  I always like to think of these words by Ralph Waldo Emerson:  “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”

If you’d like to learn more about my own work and what I’ve been up to, check out my website at