Here’s the Latest

"Vulnerable" by Amy Guidry; (c) Amy Guidry 2010
"Vulnerable" by Amy Guidry; (c) Amy Guidry 2010

I have recently finished another addition to my new series of work. This painting is titled “Vulnerable” and will be featured in my group exhibition, 6@549,  at Gallery 549 in Lafayette, LA next month. It’s an acrylic on canvas, 24″ x 12.” I included a hare in the last painting from this series but this time he is a main character. The concept of vulnerability is interesting to me since as humans, we assume that we are invincible- be it physically or emotionally. Obviously this isn’t true, and sometimes it’s the things that we least expect that harm us.

For more from this series, or to view my entire body of work, please visit my website at

I Live in London and Would Like to Purchase Your Art

Awhile back I wrote about a potential scam, which then got me into some hot water. I do feel, however, that it is important to discuss this issue since scams seem to run rampant among the art community. (Do emails from Nigeria ring a bell?) To be clear, I am not talking about art competitions that don’t lead to overnight success. I’m talking about competitions that are dead-ends with someone looking to run off with your money. These are the real scams. Often these are run by people with shady financial backgrounds (bankrupt, etc.), but this is not always easy to find on the internet. So here are some common traits I’ve come across:

First, the organization that’s running the competition is probably one you’ve never heard of before. If you do a search for their name on the internet, you may come up with nothing. If other artists have had success with said competition, they post it on the internet via blogs, press articles, resumes, etc. There will be a trail.

If the organization contacts you directly via email, and again, you’ve never heard of them, then where did they get your contact information? This is not to say that every email you get from a stranger is a scam, but usually the email should at least be directly written to you. If it is a mass emailing, then clearly they are just shooting arrows in hopes of hitting a target.

Who are the jurors? Often scams do not give names of jurors. They can certainly make up jurors as well, so that is why I highly recommend you do your research.

One of the more flagrant traits of an art competition scam is the deadline extension. I’ve seen many legit competitions extend a deadline (for example, the original deadline falls on a holiday) but usually the reason for the extension is stated in such a case. And, not to mention, this is usually done by a competition that is well-recognized in the first place. The ones to worry about are the ones that nobody’s ever heard of and they extend their deadline…again…and again…and again. Keep tabs on their websites and you’ll find this to be true.

Lastly, if the prize money is outlandishly big, but their company looks cheap, then it’s probably a scam. Successful arts organizations that have money to dole out, also have money to hire a great marketing team. Their websites will be top-notch, their logo is well-designed, and there are no grammatical errors on their marketing materials. One of the best examples I discovered was a website with overlapping text and photos. You have 10 grand to give me but you don’t have the money to hire a decent web designer? Oh, and their photos should be of actual events and of their actual gallery, etc. If all they have is stock photography (or NO photography), then something is fishy.

LaGrange National

"Girl on Campus" by Amy Guidry; (c) Amy Guidry 2010
"Girl on Campus" by Amy Guidry; (c) Amy Guidry 2010

I received some exciting news in the mail the other day. My work has been selected for inclusion in the LaGrange National XXVI Biennial Exhibition at the LaGrange Art Museum. The juror for the exhibit happens to be New Orleans’ own J. Richard Gruber, Director of the Ogden Museum of Southern Art. The exhibit will be held at the LaGrange Art Museum in LaGrange, GA. I’ve shown in Atlanta before, but this will be a first for me in LaGrange. So more good news- there will be a color catalog of the exhibition and there will be Purchase Awards granted. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Okay, details- the exhibit will be on display from February 26th through April 17th, 2010. Hopefully with such a long exhibition period, more of you will have the opportunity to see the work in person. The opening reception, as well as the awards announcements, will be February 26th from 6-8pm. More info to be posted at

It’s Not All Skeletons…

"Pierce" by Amy Guidry; (c) Amy Guidry 2010
"Pierce" by Amy Guidry; (c) Amy Guidry 2010

My latest work may be strange or grim or surreal, depending on whom you ask. So I thought I’d lighten things up a bit and show that I’m capable of painting a variety of things. Babies, for example. I do commissioned paintings every so often, so for this piece, I painted this delightful little boy for a collector of mine. The painting is titled “Pierce” and is 11 inches wide by 14 inches high, acrylic on canvas. The pose works great for this piece since he’s practically popping out of the canvas. And who can resist that face? The photo here doesn’t quite do it justice, but you can get a better look at it on my website under the Portraits category of the Gallery at