Tag Archives: pig

Southern Vegan Artist: Party of One?

"Food or Pet? How Do You Decide?" by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 40"w x 30"h; Sold; (c) Amy Guidry 2016
“Food or Pet? How Do You Decide?” by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 40″w x 30″h; Sold; (c) Amy Guidry 2016

I’m a vegan artist living in “Sportsman’s Paradise.”  For those that don’t know, that would be Louisiana.  Not exactly a pleasant state nickname if you are a vegan.  Nevertheless, I’ve managed to live a vegan lifestyle here and have even made a niche for myself as an artist.  And I actually like living here… though I could do without the humidity.  So how is this possible, you may ask.

For starters, being a vegan, environmental artist is no harder than any other artist.  Art is supposed to make a statement, and it’s not going to be something everyone necessarily agrees with.  So the fact that my work is influenced by my personal beliefs, is not any different than any other artist creating work about what matters most to them.  And galleries are choosy about what they show regardless, so again, it doesn’t matter if you’re a vegan artist or not.

Louisiana is known for it’s food, unfortunately none of that involves tofu.  Yet.  So, yes, that is bothersome for me, but it doesn’t stop me from living here.  If anything, it just gives me more reason to keep doing what I do.  Add to that the BP oil spill, hurricanes, and wetland loss, I have even more reason to be here and speak up for our animals and our environment.

I have met some resistance, but I don’t know any vegan that hasn’t, so I wouldn’t say that’s exclusive to Louisiana.  Usually it comes from older family members that have no filter.  A lot of people seem to be coming around, while others tolerate it but don’t understand it.  I’ve been a vegan for 17 years now and have seen a definite shift in the mindset of the general population.  For starters, most people now know how to correctly pronounce vegan and might know someone that is.  A lot are open to at least trying vegan recipes.  (Everyone loves my dinner parties!)  And some are starting to become aware of the huge environmental impact that factory farming has on our planet.

Overall, I’ve had a very positive response to my art, both in and outside of Louisiana, which is promising for many reasons.  I would love to see more vegans here, but I’m sure a lot of people would say the same about where they live, too.  In the meantime, I’m going to keep doing what I do.  With every painting, I have another opportunity to reach out to the world, and inspire them to do more for animals and the planet.  And on that note, it’s time to get back to the studio.


Get the latest updates via my monthly newsletter: www.amyguidry.com/contact.html

Now on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amy_guidry_artist/

Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Amy-Guidry/51953219932


Progress photo of "Food or Pet? How Do You Decide?" by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 40"w x 30"h; SOLD; (c) Amy Guidry 2014
Progress photo of “Food or Pet? How Do You Decide?” by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 40″w x 30″h; SOLD; (c) Amy Guidry 2014

Throwback Thursday TBT:

Back when I was working on “Food or Pet? How Do You Decide?”  This is before I had a studio and would work with my canvas propped up on a stool in the living room, sitting on the floor, with paints in a tackle box next to me.  This painting has sold, but view more from this series here: http://amyguidry.com/anti-aging.html.



Get the latest on new works via my monthly newsletter: www.amyguidry.com/contact.html

Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Amy-Guidry/51953219932

Cultural Connections

Cultural Connections featured artist Amy Guidry; February 2012

I recently discovered that I am the current featured artist for Cultural Connections, the Louisiana Cultural Economy Foundation newsletter.  I am honored to be selected for the month of February.  Each month a representative of the arts is selected, which can be a visual artist, musician, culinary artist, etc.  My painting Untitled (Heads) was the chosen image, which you can view on their site at http://culturaleconomy.org/2012/cc/ccbuild/cc0212/.



Sign up for my monthly newsletter at: www.amyguidry.com/contact.html

Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Amy-Guidry/51953219932

Creative Quarterly

"Untitled (Heads)" by Amy Guidry; (c) Amy Guidry 2010
"Untitled (Heads)" by Amy Guidry; (c) Amy Guidry 2010

I have some exciting news to share! My work was selected as a runner-up in the Creative Quarterly magazine’s CQ19 competition. This is the first time I’ve ever entered, so this was a nice surprise. Here’s their bio: “Creative Quarterly publishes the best work being done internationally in graphic design, illustration, photography and fine art. Published four times a year, we’re the only competition accepting entries from all parts of the globe.”

So as a runner-up my work will be featured on their website- www.cqjournal.com in June to coincide with the 19th issue on newsstands at that time. By the way, they picked my painting “Untitled (Heads)” as seen on the left. (Good thing, since that was the only piece I chose to enter!)  You can see a larger photo on my website www.AmyGuidry.com.

Here’s a list of all of the winners:

Fine Art: Professional
Marie Bukowski
Sonja Danowski
Barbara Duval*
Brent Funderburk*
William Grigsby*, Reactor Art & Design Ltd.
Jillian Ludwig
Andrew Myers
Bruce Roberts*
Kerstin Stephan

Fine Art: Student
Sean Larson, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Angela Young

Graphic Design: Professional
Matteo Bologna*, Mucca Deslgn Corp.
Andrew Byrom
Adrienne Hooker, Studio Wan-ker
Therese Joanis, Leibold Associates, Inc.
Buck Smith
Christine Strohl, The Strohls
Alex Trochut
Marius Valdes, Zoo Valdes
Rozina Vavetsi, Rozina Vavetsi
Karin Von Ompteda, A Work of Science

Graphic Design: Student
Jeffrey Carpenter, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Johnny Chang, Art Center College of Design
Jiyun Ha, Art Center College of Design
Wayne Tang, Art Center College of Design
Jou Ying Liu

Illustration: Professional
Leeay Aikawa
Vlad Alvarez
Scott Bakal
Hans Baltzer
Sonja Danowski
Felix Gephart
Beppe Giacobbe*
Robin Hursthouse
Carl Johanson
Esa Peltonen
Giselle Potter
Steven Tabbutt
Hui Tsai

Illustration: Student
Catherine Choi, California College of the Arts
Sam Wolfe Connelly, Savannah College of Art & Design
Barbara Graetzer, Fashion Institute of Technology
Tory Novikova, Pratt
Shigeko Okada, School of Visual Arts
Alexa Thoen, Minneapolis College of Art & Design
Christine Wu

Photography: Professional
Michael Alberstat, Alberstat Productions Inc.
Marti Belcher
David Ellingsen
Elwin Goh
Steffanie Halley
Jens Honore
Harold Lee Miller
Jes Schrom
Richard Tuschman, Richard Tuschman Images

CQ19: Runners-Up
Runners-up will be displayed on the online Gallery June 2010.

Fine Art: Professional: Runner Up
Paul Cooper
Kelli Craig
Barbara Duval*
Brent Funderburk
Amy Guidry
Chunghee Han
Anita Kunz
Roselyn Leibowitz
Wade Mickley
Jane Powers
Lucas Richards*, MouseSaw
Steven Tabbutt
Jaime Zollars

Fine Art: Student: Runner Up
Antony Anderson, Minnesota State University Moorhead
Abby Cline
Sean Larson, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Zach Nader
Cole Swavely, Massachusetts College of Art
Angela Young
Ina Yun, Cranbrook Academy of Art

Graphic Design: Professional: Runner Up
Phil Choo, Choo Renyer Ball Loftis
Allan Espiritu
Yongseuk Lee, Adhesive Art & Design
Jamie Burwell Mixon, Mixon Freelance
Kurt Munger, Interbrand
Buck Smith*
David Ter-Avanesyan, Ter33 Design

Graphic Design: Student: Runner Up
Sara Alway, Temple University/Tyler School of Art
Sean Barnes, Texas State University, San Marcos
Emanuel Cohen, Université du Québec à Montréal
Jiyun Ha, Art Center College of Design
Katie Hatz*, Temple University/Tyler School of Art
Elizabeth A Herrmann, Maryland Institute College of Art
Jee Won Kim, Art Center College of Design
Amanda Mocci, Université du Québec à Montréal
Francesca Staffieri, Montgomery County Community College
Cynthia Wiley, Iowa State University

Illustration: Professional: Runner Up
Timothy Banks
Pascale Carrington
Matthew Daley, Three in A Box, Inc.
Marcelo Garcia, Aparelho Produtor de Imagens
Felix Gephart
Michael Glenwood
Katrina Kopeloff
Jesse Kuhn
Keith MacLelland
Michael Marsicano
June Michel
Isaac Orloff
Zara Picken
Chris Riely
JungYeon Roh
Matt Rota
Morgan Schweitzer
Kerstin Stephan
Sara Tyson
Andrew Wright
Heidi Younger
Vincent Zawada
Daniel Zitka

Illustration: Student: Runner Up
Christian Castro, Fashion Institute of Technology
Marian Dilan, California College of the Arts
David Gonzalez, Fashion Institute of Technology
YooJin Guak, Ontario College of Art & Design
Nicole Jarecz, College for Creative Studies
Deena Pagliarello, Sheridan Institute
Christine Wu

Photography: Professional: Runner Up
John Abousief
Marti Belcher
Andy Bloxham
Jae Chung
Chris Koules
Jonas Kulikauskas
Harry Longstreet
Yshihiro Makino
Harold Lee Miller*
Jes Schrom
Brian Smale
Richard Tuschman, Richard Tuschman Images
Merrell Virgen, VSPOT Photography
Rachel Waller

Photography: Student: Runner Up
David Corso, Indiana University
Stephen Crimarco, University of Central Florida
Dan Elstone, Langara
Meghan Fischer
Nicole Gavrilles, Ringling College of Art & Design
Frederic Gosselin
Jessica Holcomb, Cal Poly Pomona
Ashley Matthews, Louisiana Tech University

Forgot to Mention…

"Food or Pet? How Do You Decide" by Amy Guidry, Feast postcard invitation

I’m excited to announce that in addition to the upcoming exhibition at Wally Workman Gallery, my painting “Food or Pet? How Do You Decide?” has been selected for the show invitation! So if you happen to be on the gallery mailing list, be on the lookout. As a reminder, “Feast” opens on December 5th from 6-8pm at Wally Workman Gallery in Austin, TX.

Two Exhibits, One Day

“Food or Pet? How Do You Decide?” by Amy Guidry; SOLD; (C) Amy Guidry 2009

I’m going out with a bang this year… just when I thought it was calming down. Ha! I will have work in two upcoming exhibits- the opening reception for both is on the same night.  First, I am one of the invited artists in the Wally Workman Gallery exhibition, “Feast.” The title of the show does not necessarily pertain to food, so feast is open to interpretation. There is a preview of the show on December 3rd, from 6-8pm as part of their First Thursday Artwalk. The actual opening reception will be December 5th, from 6-8pm. In addition, they are hosting FINE FOOD ART NIGHT on December 10th 6-8pm. Edible Austin magazine will also be there for an evening of fine food and fine art. Local food tastings provided by the Austin chapter of Les Dames de Escoffier and local catering companies will be creating their culinary interpretations of pieces from the show. A portion of the proceeds will go to Urban Roots, a youth development program that uses sustainable agriculture as a means to transform the lives of young people and to increase the access of healthy food in Austin.

In addition, I will be participating in an art auction during Le Feu et l’Eau Rural Arts Celebration. Also known as the Fire and Water Festival. The Fire and Water Festival has a “warmup” event on December 4th from 7-11pm. The schedule has not been announced yet, but I can tell you it will most certainly involve lots of live music and lots of food. The actual event and auction will take place on December 5th from 11am-11pm.

So if you’ll be in Austin, TX, be sure to check out Wally Workman’s exhibit. And if you’e in Arnaudville, LA, check out the Fire and Water Festival. And if you’re able to teleport, do both. And if you can’t make it to either one, there’s always www.AmyGuidry.com