Tag Archives: biennial

P.3+Baton Rouge

"Synergy" by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 8"w x 10"h; (c) Amy Guidry 2014
“Synergy” by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 8″w x 10″h; (c) Amy Guidry 2014

One of the group exhibitions I am participating in is opening this week.  The P.3+Baton Rouge Invitational is part of the satellite exhibitions program of the Prospect Biennial New Orleans.  The opening reception will be held this Saturday, November 15th from 12-7pm at the TTowers Gallery, Chase Tower South in Baton Rouge, LA.  Exhibition remains up through January 25th, 2015.  More details: http://www.prospectneworleans.org/p3plus-regional/.



Get the latest on new works via my monthly newsletter: www.amyguidry.com/contact.html

Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Amy-Guidry/51953219932

Guidry/Goldfinch Opening

My 2-person exhibit with Jessica Goldfinch is currently up at Barrister’s Gallery in New Orleans.  These are a few photos from the opening reception.  And in conjunction with the Prospect.3 Biennial opening this weekend, there will be another reception at Barrister’s Gallery this Saturday, October 25th, from 6-9pm.

"Untitled" by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 30"w x 24"h
“Untitled” by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 30″w x 24″h
Artists Jessica Goldfinch and Amy Guidry at the opening reception at Barrister's Gallery, New Orleans, LA
Artists Jessica Goldfinch and Amy Guidry at the opening reception at Barrister’s Gallery, New Orleans, LA
Viewers discussing Amy Guidry's paintings at the opening reception, Barrister's Gallery, New Orleans, LA
Viewers discussing Amy Guidry’s paintings at the opening reception, Barrister’s Gallery, New Orleans, LA
L to R: "Untitled" and "Dichotomy" by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; (c) Amy Guidry 2014
L to R: “Untitled” and “Dichotomy” by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; (c) Amy Guidry 2014
Installation view (L to R): "Heads II," "Bond," "The Ties That Bind," and "Interrelated" by Amy Guidry; All Acrylic on canvas; (c) Amy Guidry 2014
Installation view (L to R): “Heads II,” “Bond,” “The Ties That Bind,” and “Interrelated” by Amy Guidry; All Acrylic on canvas; (c) Amy Guidry 2014



Get the latest on new works via my monthly newsletter: www.amyguidry.com/contact.html

Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Amy-Guidry/51953219932

Party Pics

The Prospect New Orleans Benefit- Throwdown.1.5- last Saturday was a big hit. Many people were in attendance after the Julia St. Artwalk in New Orleans. My painting “Kerry” now has a new home (see previous post). And I met some other exhibiting artists as well. So if you missed the event, here are a few photos to enjoy the event vicariously. You can see more at this direct link: www.amyguidry.com/events.html.


"Kerry" by Amy Guidry, 2005, acrylic on canvas
"Kerry" by Amy Guidry, 2005, acrylic on canvas

This weekend I will be one of the artists featured in the Throwdown.1.5 auction to benefit the Prospect New Orleans Biennial. It’s for a great cause and it’s in New Orleans, so all the more reason to go! I am honored to be included amongst such great artists, some of which are from my own area. My painting “Kerry” from my 2005/2006 series will be up for auction. It is an acrylic on canvas, framed, and total size dimensions are 16″w x 13″h (view more of my work at www.AmyGuidry.com). The event will be held at Stage 3, Secondline Stages in New Orleans this Saturday, February 5th from 8-11pm. So if you are out and about for the artwalk, stop by afterwards. Tickets are available online at www.brownpapertickets.com/event/146659.

Artists featured in the auction include: Wayne Amedee, Luis Cruz Azaceta, Kathleen Banton, Mark Bercier, Tim Best, Brice Bischoff, Jessica Bizer, Ralph Bourque, Hannah Chalew, Stephen Collier, Beth Dary, Luke Dubois, Aubrey Edwards, Lin Emery, Amy Guidry, Brian Guidry, Sally Heller, Chris Jahncke, Dick Johnson, Rachel Jones, Krista Jurisich, Les Lawrence, Charles Lovell, Sophie Lvoff, Carolyn McAdams, Natalie McLaurin, Michael Pajon, Francis X. Pavy, Mary Jane Parker, Stephanie Patton, Anastasia Pelias, Emily Sartor, Kate Samworth, Karoline Schleh, Regina Scully, Elizabeth Shannon, Dan Tague, Steven Tetters, Michel Varisco, and Monica Zeringue

Party Pics

Here are just a few photos from the 2009 Art Melt at the Brunner Gallery in the Shaw Center for the Arts in Baton Rouge, LA.  These are actually from the Preview Gala which was held July 9th for the artists and arts patrons.  The jurors were in attendance as well, as you can see Dan Cameron speaking in one of the photos.  Jurors were Dan Cameron, director of the Contemporary Arts Center in New Orleans and curator of Prospect 1. Arts Biennial; Ann Connelly, director and owner of Ann Connelly Fine Art in Baton Rouge, LA; and Brian Young, curator of the Academy Art Museum in Easton, MD.

To view the entire photo album, go to http://www.amyguidry.com/events.html

Artists: Scam Alert!

"The United States of Consumerism" by Amy Guidry; Copyright Amy Guidry 2009

I’m always on the lookout for opportunities to further my art career.  Unfortunately, there are some losers out there who are looking to take advantage of that.  I did a little research online concerning an opportunity I came across that sounded too good to be true.  Apparently that’s because it is.  ArtistGrants.org is promoting their Biennial Competition with a $10K first place award- yes, 10,000 dollars.  Aside from the fantastic prize money, I had to wonder about this since I’d never even heard of them before.  I’ve heard of many artist grants organizations, but never this one.  So I kept an eye on their site…  interestingly enough, I discovered that their entry fee kept changing (increasing, of course) over the past couple of months.  And the deadline has been extended three times so far (at least since I’ve discovered this “competition”).  And who the hell are the jurors?   

Well, further investigation has dug up some more interesting tidbits…  According to Art Opportunities Monthly, ArtistGrants.org tried to get their Biennial listed in their classifieds.  Turns out AOM discovered their domain had been registered for a matter of days before they were listing their competition. AOM also states that the address provided to them for the listing “was a private home which had been bought for well over the asking price just a short time ago (arousing a newspaper’s suspicions that a kickback and finagling with mortgage money was involved). And now, the house just appeared on the market as a HUD foreclosure, meaning that the extra money the buyers had borrowed will not be paid back.”

In addition, AOM also asked about their organization, judging, funding, etc. and never received a response.  I found the same to be true for others’ attempts to contact ArtistGrants.org.  So, after finding out all of this, I am steering clear of this “opportunity” and passing on this information to everyone in the blogosphere!  Just goes to show that unless you are already familiar with an organization, you should always look into them before entering or sending them money.  Many artist listings sites have a disclaimer that they are not responsible if it turns out a listing is a scam and that they do not do background checks, so to speak.  So be sure to do your homework!
