Growing your success

Amy Guidry giving a talk at the New Orleans Museum of Art
Amy Guidry giving a talk at the New Orleans Museum of Art

I had a question from someone wanting to know my thoughts on his acceptance into a particular publication (Studio Visit, to be precise, which I have discussed before here).  Often when I would get my work featured in a certain show or a magazine, I would get questions as to whether that led to something bigger.  Because I don’t ever rely on just one opportunity, I can’t pinpoint or put some sort of quantitative measurement to it.  While it would be nice to come up with a specific formula that doing X + Y = Z, I find it is best to have a continuous cycle of productivity going.

I don’t believe there is ever one accomplishment that opens doors.  On rare occasion you hear of some now-famous artist that was discovered and then had a sold-out show.  These are the stories that artists hear and think “that could be me.”  For the overwhelming majority of artists, including the famous ones, it was a series of events that got them to where they are today.

So in the case of the artist that contacted me, I told him that it is not so much about being in the magazine, but what you do with it.

For example:

– Once he is published in the magazine, get extra copies to send to collectors

– If you can afford it, get additional copies for potential buyers as well (anyone that seems really interested in your work)

– Give copies of the magazine to galleries as part of your portfolio presentation

– Inform your local press (newspapers, radio, etc.) that you got into the magazine

Find ways to make the most of your accomplishments and extend their shelf-life.  No one opportunity will do it, but if you can make it snowball into more, you’ll increase your chances of getting bigger and/or more opportunities.


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In Progress

A couple of photos of my latest painting in progress.  This will be the latest addition to my In Our Veins series.  After marking the center line (even though the figure won’t be completely symmetric), this is the sketch on canvas.

Work in progress by Amy Guidry; 6"w x 8"h; (c) Amy Guidry 2015
Work in progress by Amy Guidry; 6″w x 8″h; (c) Amy Guidry 2015

Then I roughed in the first layer of paint and started working on the details of the face.  It is an acrylic on canvas, 6″ wide by 8″ high.  I’ll be posting the finished painting soon!

Painting in progress by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 6"w x 8"h; (c) Amy Guidry 2015
Painting in progress by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 6″w x 8″h; (c) Amy Guidry 2015


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In Progress

Work in progress by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 4" x 4"; (c) Amy Guidry 2015
Work in progress by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 4″ x 4″; (c) Amy Guidry 2015

It’s a new year and I am back to work on a new small painting!  I’ve roughed in the first layer of paint and spent an hour adding detail to just the eye.  It is an acrylic on canvas, 4″ x 4.”  Will post the finished piece soon!


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