Tag Archives: jaguar


“Ouroboros” by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 6″ x 6″; Sold; (c) Amy Guidry 2021

Excited to share my new painting Ouroboros. Black panthers in Asia and Africa are actually melanistic leopards while those in the Americas are melanistic jaguars. Beauty and protection are among much of the symbolism behind panthers while the snake is seen as a symbol of rebirth. Ouroboros is an acrylic on canvas, 6″ wide by 6″ high, and you can view it (as well as the rest of the series) online here: https://amyguidry.com/ouroboros.html.


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Art at Home

“Integrate” (top) and “Regrowth” (bottom) by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 6″ x 6″; Sold; (c) Amy Guidry 2019
“Efflorescence” (center) by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 4″ x 4″; Sold; (c) Amy Guidry 2019

A collector kindly sent me these home installation views of my paintings. I love the arrangement of these pieces with personal photos and other art. Integrate and Regrowth are paired together and Efflorescence is centered between a photograph and a wall sculpture.

You can view more from this series, In Our Veins, on my website: https://amyguidry.com/gallery.html.


Get the latest updates via my monthly newsletter: www.amyguidry.com/contact.html

Now on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amy_guidry_artist/

Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/AmyGuidryArt

Night Garden

“Regrowth” by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 6″ x 6″; Sold; (c) Amy Guidry 2018

I’m happy to reveal my new painting Regrowth, created specifically for Modern Eden Gallery’s Night Garden exhibition. The exhibit explores nature and earth magic, flora and fauna, death and wilderness. The human eyes within the leaves refer to our connection to all of nature. Regrowth is an acrylic on canvas, 6″ wide by 6″ high. The exhibit is up now through January 4, 2019. You can view the painting online here as well as my available work at Modern Eden: https://www.moderneden.com/search?type=product&q=amy+guidry .


Get the latest updates via my monthly newsletter: www.amyguidry.com/contact.html

Now on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amy_guidry_artist/

Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/AmyGuidryArt

Sneak Preview

“Regrowth” by Amy Guidry (detail); Acrylic on canvas; 6″ x 6″; (c) Amy Guidry 2018

Another sneak preview close-up of my latest painting.  The title is Regrowth and the total size is 6? wide by 6? high.  I can’t reveal too much online before the exhibition, but those on my newsletter list got a special preview of the entire painting in progress.  If you would like to see it as well, sign up here: https://amyguidry.com/contact.html and click the newsletter icon.


Get the latest updates via my monthly newsletter: www.amyguidry.com/contact.html

Now on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amy_guidry_artist/

Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/AmyGuidryArt

In Progress

Panther painting in progress by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 6″ x 6″; (c) Amy Guidry 2018

Sneak preview close-up of a new painting I have in progress.  Currently working on the hair and nose at the moment.  The total size is 6″ wide by 6″ high.  This piece is being specifically created for an upcoming exhibition.  I can’t reveal too much online before the show, but those on my newsletter list got a special preview of the entire painting in progress.  If you would like to see it as well, sign up here: https://amyguidry.com/contact.html and click the newsletter icon.


Get the latest updates via my monthly newsletter: www.amyguidry.com/contact.html

Now on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amy_guidry_artist/

Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/AmyGuidryArt


“Bestow” by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 6″ x 6″; Sold; (c) Amy Guidry 2018

I’ve been painting a few big cats lately (I’ve been a fan since I was a little kid) and am happy to see some find new homes.  Bestow and Interconnect have both gone to the West Coast- Seattle and Los Angeles.  Both paintings are acrylic on canvas, 6″ wide by 6″ high.

Installation view of “Bestow” at Jonathan LeVine Projects; (c) Jonathan LeVine Projects 2018

“Interconnect” by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 6″ x 6″; Sold; (c) Amy Guidry 2018

There are currently two big cat paintings available: Renew is part of Cactus Gallery’s current exhibition available online here: https://cactusgalleryla.com/collections/the-revival-2018/products/renew-by-artist-amy-guidry and Transcendental is available online through Modern Eden Gallery here: https://www.moderneden.com/collections/available-artwork/products/transcendental.


Get the latest updates via my monthly newsletter: www.amyguidry.com/contact.html

Now on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amy_guidry_artist/

Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/AmyGuidryArt


“Interconnect” by Amy Guidry in Vie Magazine, May 2018 Couture Issue

Received my copies of the May 2018 Couture issue of Vie Magazine in the mail yesterday.  I was excited and honored to see my painting Interconnect featured in there as part of a teaser article in anticipation of an upcoming interview.  The Couture issue is available on newsstands now.


Get the latest updates via my monthly newsletter: www.amyguidry.com/contact.html

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Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Amy-Guidry/51953219932

Vie Magazine

“Interconnect” by Amy Guidry; Vie Magazine; May 2018

My painting Interconnect is featured in the May 2018 issue of Vie Magazine.  It is part of their Introspections page and is a teaser to a larger article to be featured in their Animal issue coming out in August.  Look for Interconnect in the Couture issue out now.  And if you’re in New York, you can see Interconnect in person at Gristle Art Gallery now through May 5th.


Get the latest updates via my monthly newsletter: www.amyguidry.com/contact.html

Now on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amy_guidry_artist/

Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Amy-Guidry/51953219932

New Work / Exhibition

“Interconnect” by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 6″ x 6″; SOLD; (c) Amy Guidry 2018

My latest painting in the In Our Veins series is now online.  This piece was created for Gristle Art Gallery’s “Floriography” exhibition going on now through May 5th, 2018.  It’s titled Interconnect and is an acrylic on canvas, 6″ wide by 6″ high.  The human third eye refers to our connection to all of nature, both flora and fauna.

I chose to paint a jaguar for this piece- one of my favorite big cats ever since childhood.  And an appropriate subject for a floriography-themed exhibit as their black spots are referred to as “rosettes” because of their rose-like shape.  Jaguars are mainly found in the Amazon or remote areas of Central and South America.  They haven’t reached full endangered status -yet- but their population is in decline and they are listed as Threatened.

“Floriography” is on view at Gristle Art Gallery in Brooklyn, New York now through May 5th.  You can also view the exhibit online here: https://www.gristleartgallery.com/floriography.html.


Get the latest updates via my monthly newsletter: www.amyguidry.com/contact.html

Now on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amy_guidry_artist/

Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Amy-Guidry/51953219932

Exhibition Opening

“Interconnect” by Amy Guidry; acrylic on canvas; 6″ x 6″; (c) Amy Guidry 2018

This is a sneak preview of sorts of my new painting Interconnect which will be part of Gristle Art Gallery’s “Floriography” exhibition.  It was selected as a promotional image for the show, so I’ll be posting the full image (sans text) once the exhibit opens.  If you are or will be in Brooklyn, New York anytime soon, the exhibition will be up March 10th through May 5th.  There will be an opening reception this Saturday, March 10th from 7-9pm.  More details here: https://www.gristleartgallery.com/current.html.


Get the latest updates via my monthly newsletter: www.amyguidry.com/contact.html

Now on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amy_guidry_artist/

Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Amy-Guidry/51953219932