Tag Archives: “Wally Workman Gallery”

100 Degrees

This summer has been incredibly busy to say the least.  I’ve had to miss out on openings for shows because I’m already at the opening for another.  I suppose these are the moments I could use a stunt double…  At least I can vicariously enjoy the Wally Workman Gallery opening for 100 Degrees thanks to the photos.  The exhibit is up now through September 1st and features new work by several of the gallery’s artists.  One of which being mine… you may recognize this painting from an earlier post.  You can also view it here: www.amyguidry.com/succession.html.

"Succession" by Amy Guidry; acrylic on canvas; 6"w x 12"h; photo (c) Wally Workman Gallery



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“Succession” by Amy Guidry; acrylic on canvas; 6″w x 12″h; SOLD; (c) Amy Guidry 2012

I’ve just finished another painting in the In Our Veins series while simultaneously working on my painting One for The Great West Coast Migration exhibit.  This painting is titled Succession and is 6″ wide by 12″ high, acrylic on canvas.  It just arrived at Wally Workman Gallery in Austin, TX the other day and will be included in their upcoming show, 100 Degrees, starting August 4th through September 1st.  When working on this piece, I was thinking of orders- biological orders, our need for order, hierarchy.  The human skull at the bottom leads up to larger animals and butterflies, illustrating how new life grows and is sustained by dead organisms.  The horse and the rose at the top- though I took artistic liberty with the rose- utilize their placement and size to emphasize their importance.  While humans may be the more dominant species, I wanted to focus on the significance and the role of other species in nature.

View the painting online here: www.amyguidry.com/succession.html.  You can also see it in person at Wally Workman Gallery in Austin, TX during the 100 Degrees Preview Party on August 2nd from 6-8pm and during the opening reception August 4th from 6-8pm.



Sign up for my monthly newsletter at: www.amyguidry.com/contact.html

Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Amy-Guidry/51953219932

Wally Workman Opening

As promised, here is my second post for the day. I was recently at the Wally Workman Gallery 30th Anniversary exhibit opening. It was packed, to say the least. Luckily, there were a few moments to get some photos (you pretty much have to wait until the crowd clears and then jump in with the camera). So here are a few photos for those of you that couldn’t make it. (Though there is still ample time since the exhibit is up through September 4th.) Actually, I would recommend that anyone at the opening come back for a second look. It is very difficult to get a good view of the art when it’s that crowded. One woman told me she felt claustrophobic! All in all, great show and should not be missed.

Oh, and for more photos from the 30th Anniversary exhibit, check out Michael Barnes’s post on Austin360.com. I am featured in one of the photos from the opening- here is the direct link- www.Austin360.com. And to view more of my work, visit www.AmyGuidry.com.

New Work

"Survival of the Fittest" by Amy Guidry; (c) Amy Guidry 2010
"Survival of the Fittest" by Amy Guidry; (c) Amy Guidry 2010

Well, after several months of diligent painting, I have finally finished my latest work. The photos here don’t do it justice since this piece is insanely detailed and a fairly good size, so check out the larger pic on my website at www.AmyGuidry.com. This painting is from my “In Our Veins” series and is acrylic on canvas, 36 inches wide by 18 inches high. I almost forgot- the title is “Survival of the Fittest.” I’ve always been interested in the notion that one species will harm their own kind in order to survive. In addition, humans will use other species for their own survival, hence the cows. The cows that are falling (or jumping or floating- that’s the viewer’s call) are injuring the cows below them. They are reminiscent of the images from slaughterhouses I’ve seen of cows hanging from large hooks, while the cows below mimic those that have been skinned or butchered. To summarize, the entire image is surreal and maybe even a bit absurd, but I think many times the reasons we kill, be it animals or humans, are absurd.

If you would like to see this painting in person, it is currently at Wally Workman Gallery and will be part of their 30th Anniversary exhibit. The opening and blowout party is August 7th from 6-8pm at Wally Workman Gallery in Austin, TX.

Feast: A Photo Diary. Sure to Leave You Hungry For More (Ha ha)

Reflection of my painting, "Food or Pet? How Do You Decide?"
The “Feast” exhibit is currently on display at Wally Workman Gallery in Austin, TX. My painting, “Food or Pet? How Do You Decide?” is featured in the window of the gallery and was used as the image for the show. It was also selected for the upcoming event, “Edible Austin,” in which chefs will create their culinary interpretations of my painting. I hope they realize you can do a lot with tofu…

My painting featured in the window of Wally Workman Gallery
I was at the opening reception last weekend and have a few photos to share. The entire album will be posted on my website soon (www.AmyGuidry.com), so be on the lookout.

Amy Guidry with her painting, "Acceptance"
On the upstairs level of the gallery, various works by the gallery’s represented artists were also on display. I took the opportunity to pose with my painting, “Acceptance” from my New Realm series.

From the "Feast" exhibit at Wally Workman Gallery


"Boarfish" by Amy Guidry; From the New Realm series. (C) Amy Guidry 2009

I’ve recently sold another painting from my New Realm series. This one is titled “Boarfish” and was recently on exhibit at Galerie Lafayette in Lafayette, LA. I wanted to spotlight this character from a larger piece I had done titled “Acceptance.” BTW, “Acceptance” is now at Wally Workman Gallery in Austin, TX, so if you’re in the area, you should stop by to see it in person. It’s definitely a conversation starter to say the least. And since many people ask, here’s something educational for you (see, you can actually LEARN things on my blog…you’ll thank me later when this comes up on Jeopardy). According to Wikipedia, Boarfish is the common name of two unrelated groups of fishes: All fish of the family Caproidae are called boarfish. Some fish of the family Pentacerotidae are called boarfish. For the record, I knew nothing of this when I came up with my paintings, I just like boars and fish a lot. So I combined the two to create a friendly “beast” for my surreal fairytale. And if you’d like to see more of this series, be sure to visit my website at www.AmyGuidry.com

Dimensions of Disclosure

Cover of "Dimensions of Disclosure" featuring my work

The book that I recently blogged about, “Dimensions of Disclosure,” will be available on Amazon in early September! Yea! The initial printings will go to galleries. I should be receiving my copy soon and will post photos on my website, etc. So be on the lookout.

If you are not already familiar, “Dimensions of Disclosure” is an art book featuring self-portraiture from artists around the country. It’s published by New Art Review and edited by K. Augustine. My painting, “Adaptation,” will be included, in addition to my bio and contact information, in a full-page layout. “Adaptation” is from my New Realm series and is currently at Wally Workman Gallery in Austin, TX.

"Adaptation" by Amy Guidry; From the New Realm series. Copyright Amy Guidry 2009

Artists included are: Laura Abramson, Kathy Augustine, Joanna Bavero, Bobbi Bennett, Benita Brewer, Carrie A. S. Caldwell, Ryan Carr, Jan Cheney, Stephanie Dana, Michael Diven, Viviana Florea, Amy Guidry, Robert Hacunda, Kathy Iwanowski, Case Jernigan, Ileana M. Johnson, Brooke LaBrie, Lacresha A. Lincoln, Ron E A Powell (REAP13), Jeanna Ragsdale, Laurie T. Seamons, Lauren Sudbrink, Andrew Toth, Kathleen Tumey, Paula Visnoski, Peter Wallis, and Patrick Wise.

If you’d like to see more of my work, be sure to visit my website at www.AmyGuidry.com. In addition to my paintings, you’ll find photos from exhibits, press information, and a signup page for my email newsletter.

Spring Studio Visit

Studio Visit Volume 5 Cover
"Adaptation" by Amy Guidry ; Painting by Amy Guidry, featured in Studio Visit Magazine Vol. 5

The latest volume of Studio Visit Magazine has arrived! I just got my copy the other day. It’s Volume 5, the Spring 2009 edition. My work was selected (again…yea!) for inclusion. My painting, “Adaptation,” from my “New Realm” series is featured.

The juror for the Spring 2009 issue was Michael Klein, an independent curator and private art dealer. He was the former Director of the International Sculpture Center and former Curator of the Microsoft Art Collection. Studio Visit is published by the Open Studios Press.

Studio Visit is the new sister publication to New American Paintings.  In contrast to New American Paintings, Studio Visit Magazine is an internationally juried publication featuring 2-D and 3-D artwork.  Featured jurors are internationally recognized professionals in the art industry.

My painting “Adaptation” was accepted for inclusion. (See photo on the top right.) It is from my “New Realm” series and is currently at Wally Workman Gallery in Austin, TX, which is one of my representing galleries.

To view more of my work, or a larger image of “Adaptation” visit my website at www.AmyGuidry.com.


"Reflecting" by Amy Guidry; From the New Realm series. Copyright Amy Guidry 2009

I received some good news from Wally Workman Gallery in Austin today.  They sold one of my New Realm 5 x 5 paintings while at the gallery.  I recently obtained representation with them, so I am glad that they’ve sold a painting for me, especially given the timing (i.e. economy).  So now my piece “Reflecting” will be in its new home soon. 

If you are in Texas, you should stop by Wally Workman Gallery to view my work in person.  I do not have an exhibit with them at this time, but they do have several of my paintings in the gallery.  But if you are unable or if you’d like to see more of my work, you can go to my website at www.AmyGuidry.com.   

Studio Visit Volume 3! FINALLY!

Studio Visit Volume 3 Cover

Well it’s FINALLY here! Studio Visit Magazine arrived the other day. Apparently I was the last to receive a copy since mine got lost in the mail. (Hope my mail carrier is enjoying it…) So I just got my replacement copy. So here it is, I know you’ve been waiting forever. I know I have. My work is featured in Volume 3, the Fall 2008 issue. (Too bad I received it in 2009…)

As in the first issue, they split the accepted submissions into two volumes. Close to 1,000 entries were received and about 300 artists were accepted. And as with New American Paintings, the sister publication by The Open Studios Press, this is a juried competition. The juror was Carl Belz, Director Emeritus, The Rose Art Museum of Brandeis University. However, Studio Visit is an international competition, whereas New American Paintings is by region.

Both paintings I submitted were selected, so I have a two-page spread in this issue. Yea! They are from my New Realm series, which is my latest series. “Adaptation” is 48″ x 36″ and “Metamorphosis” is 40″ x 30.”

Studio Visit Magazine Volume 3, pages 78-79

Both are currently at Wally Workman Gallery in Austin, TX. If you’d like to see larger images of these paintings, or the rest of my work, you can go to my website www.AmyGuidry.com.