Well here’s a sneak peek for all my blog fans (hopefully there are a lot of those…). I was invited to participate in a show for A Bitchin’ Space in Sacramento, California. The theme was right up my alley. Maybe [Gale Hart] figured this out by viewing some of my social commentary pieces, but somehow they knew to ask me if I’d like to do a piece for “The Circus Show and Other Atrocities.” I jumped at the chance since, as a vegan and quasi animal rescue organization (I’ve taken in a lot of homeless animals over the years…), I detest the circus and its treatment of animals. Soooo, this leads to my latest creation- “Get Your Popcorn! Peanuts! Cruelty!”
I toiled over my sketchbook forever coming up with the perfect idea for this show. I wanted to convey the circus’s cruelty without being gratuitous, either. I kept thinking of the old animal cracker box I used to get as a kid, the one by Nabisco that came with a string on top of the box to reuse (?) as a Christmas ornament (?). Then finally I decided to go with that theme, but Amy-ize it with my own sarcastic flavor. Hence the animals with giant bites taken out of them, and the re-wording of the brand name and description.
So that’s it! Your official sneak peek at my work. It’s not even on my website yet (but it will be soon), so in the meantime, check out my other work- www.AmyGuidry.com. My other social commentary pieces can also be seen in my Painting section of the website.
As for the greatest show on earth, well, obviously I’m not referring to the circus. The show is “The Circus Show and Other Atrocities” and will open on September 13th at A Bitchin’ Space. If you can’t make it then, my work and the other 99 artists’ works will still be on display until October 11th. And yes, this show is the best on earth because it includes artists from the US, UK, and Canada. You can find the gallery at 2114 19th Street in downtown Sacramento. You can check out their website at www.abitchinspace.com.