New Work:
I have completed several small paintings from my New Realm series. You can view the pieces at www.AmyGuidry.com under the 5” x 5” series.
The New Realm series will be featured at Henri & Odette (formerly Jennifer Marie Gallery) in Las Vegas, NV. The opening reception will be September 12th from 6-8pm. The gallery has moved to a larger location so the show was rescheduled to September. The exhibit will run through the end of October.
I will be exhibiting my work in “Ameri-Dreaming: Art & American Culture.” The show is scheduled for October 8- 31, 2008 in the Claypool-Young Art Gallery at Morehead State University in Morehead, KY.
I will also participate in “Circus Show and Other Atrocities” this coming September. My work will be featured among 60 other invited artists from the US, UK, and Canada. The show will be held at A Bitchin’ Space in Sacramento, CA.
In addition, my work has been selected for the Ohr National Challenge juried exhibition. The show will be on display at the Ohr-O’Keefe Museum of Art in Biloxi, MS from September 19th through November 10th.
Also, I have been invited to show in the Many Faces of Portraiture invitational exhibition. The show will open September 13th at the Art House in Covington, LA.
I have recently attained gallery representation in Austin, TX. The Wally Workman gallery will now represent me exclusively in the Austin area. Their website is www.wallyworkmangallery.com
The Daily Advertiser did a feature on my work upon the Zigler Art Museum’s acquisition of my painting “Cedric.” “Cedric” is part of the Louisiana artists collection, which will be a traveling collection, and includes work by renowned artists Clementine Hunter and William Tolliver. Read the article at www.theadvertiser.com/apps/pbc.dll/article?AID=/20080624/LIFESTYLE/806240306
My work has been selected for the fall edition of Studio Visit Magazine to be published this year. The juror was Carl Belz, Director Emeritus of The Rose Art Museum of Brandeis University. The magazine is scheduled to be available in October and is published by The Open Studios Press.
I am featured in Issue 8 of Indie Arts- The DVD Magazine as one of their four gallery artists. You can see more at www.IndieArtsDVD.com
Alas, MTV’s Real World Season 20 Hollywood has come to an end. If you missed the show, you can still see my painting “United Isolation” in photo stills from the show at www.amyguidry.com/press03.html. Video footage coming soon!