Tag Archives: figure

LaGrange National

"Girl on Campus" by Amy Guidry; (c) Amy Guidry 2010
"Girl on Campus" by Amy Guidry; (c) Amy Guidry 2010

I received some exciting news in the mail the other day. My work has been selected for inclusion in the LaGrange National XXVI Biennial Exhibition at the LaGrange Art Museum. The juror for the exhibit happens to be New Orleans’ own J. Richard Gruber, Director of the Ogden Museum of Southern Art. The exhibit will be held at the LaGrange Art Museum in LaGrange, GA. I’ve shown in Atlanta before, but this will be a first for me in LaGrange. So more good news- there will be a color catalog of the exhibition and there will be Purchase Awards granted. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Okay, details- the exhibit will be on display from February 26th through April 17th, 2010. Hopefully with such a long exhibition period, more of you will have the opportunity to see the work in person. The opening reception, as well as the awards announcements, will be February 26th from 6-8pm. More info to be posted at www.AmyGuidry.com.

Finally Getting Around to This

"Sadie" by Amy Guidry; portrait commission

A little while back I had posted my painting of “Maggie,” a portrait commission I had finished. I had yet to paint Maggie’s sister, Sadie, since we (the clients and I) were still deciding on photos. And another portrait commission had popped up in-between.  Sooo, I’ve finally finished “Sadie!” This little girl has the most amazing eyes. The photo here does not do the painting justice, but trust me, those kid’s eyes are out of this world. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but both Sadie and Maggie have pink jackets on in their paintings. Or maybe it’s just that I gravitated towards pink and chose those?? Anyway, I will get both paintings on my website soon. So check back later! www.AmyGuidry.com

I’m Quite the Busy Bee

"Isaac" by Amy Guidry; portrait commission

Whenever I agree to do a show, or a commission, or a press release, or all of the above, it doesn’t seem overwhelming at the time. And perhaps it’s because I agree to do all of these things in a short span of time that makes it overwhelming at times. I really don’t know when to stop, though, because I’m one of those people that is always going. You know the ones. I’m going even if I’m sick. I don’t have time for germs! I’ve got paintings to finish and treadmills to run on. You get the picture. It’s just hard for me to sit still.

So maybe this helps to explain why my posts have been on hiatus recently. A small hiatus, but still, a hiatus. I’m just now catching up on things. So aside from wrapping up one show, then getting into another show (No Dead Artists), and gearing up for my next solo show (October is right around the corner!), I’ve also finished another commission piece. This is an 11″ x 14″ painting of “Isaac.” I’ve actually done two paintings of Issac, but don’t have any photos to share of the second one yet. I’ll get there eventually… Anyway, I may have to remove some work from my website before I add any of these new pieces because it’s getting to be a bit full. However, you can still see more of my work at www.AmyGuidry.com. Or in person at Galerie Lafayette next month!

Dimensions of Disclosure

Cover of "Dimensions of Disclosure" featuring my work

The book that I recently blogged about, “Dimensions of Disclosure,” will be available on Amazon in early September! Yea! The initial printings will go to galleries. I should be receiving my copy soon and will post photos on my website, etc. So be on the lookout.

If you are not already familiar, “Dimensions of Disclosure” is an art book featuring self-portraiture from artists around the country. It’s published by New Art Review and edited by K. Augustine. My painting, “Adaptation,” will be included, in addition to my bio and contact information, in a full-page layout. “Adaptation” is from my New Realm series and is currently at Wally Workman Gallery in Austin, TX.

"Adaptation" by Amy Guidry; From the New Realm series. Copyright Amy Guidry 2009

Artists included are: Laura Abramson, Kathy Augustine, Joanna Bavero, Bobbi Bennett, Benita Brewer, Carrie A. S. Caldwell, Ryan Carr, Jan Cheney, Stephanie Dana, Michael Diven, Viviana Florea, Amy Guidry, Robert Hacunda, Kathy Iwanowski, Case Jernigan, Ileana M. Johnson, Brooke LaBrie, Lacresha A. Lincoln, Ron E A Powell (REAP13), Jeanna Ragsdale, Laurie T. Seamons, Lauren Sudbrink, Andrew Toth, Kathleen Tumey, Paula Visnoski, Peter Wallis, and Patrick Wise.

If you’d like to see more of my work, be sure to visit my website at www.AmyGuidry.com. In addition to my paintings, you’ll find photos from exhibits, press information, and a signup page for my email newsletter.

Brick by Brick

"Maggie" by Amy Guidry; portrait commission

Whew! I’ve been busy… sorry for the delayed posting. As you may already know, I have a show coming up at the Oak Street Gallery in Hammond, LA this month. That entailed a trip with a U-Haul to get all of my work over there. Lots of big canvases that wouldn’t fit in my Jeep. In addition to my usual painting, I also did a portrait commission and my hand is starting to feel it! But I think the results paid off, so that makes it a little easier to endure. This is a painting of “Maggie”- I’ve met her before but I’m sure she doesn’t remember that. Anyway, I got a little crazy with the background and took on something much bigger than I anticipated. I do like the way the bricks turned out, though. No pain, no gain, right? Is that applicable here? I also played with the color scheme a little for an almost monochromatic feel. She was already wearing pink but I toned down the hot pink-ness in her shirt and applied more pinks and peaches to the bricks. Oh, and it’s an 11″ x 14″ acrylic on canvas!

I will be painting Maggie’s sister soon, so I will post that once I have it finished. In the meantime, check out my website for some more news in my Press section! http://www.AmyGuidry.com

LPB Auction

"Transcendence" by Amy Guidry; From the New Realm series. Copyright Amy Guidry 2009

I will be participating in the LPB Art and Travel Auction, which supports Louisiana Public Broadcasting. I was asked to participate as a representing artist for the Oak Street Gallery in Hammond, LA. So I did a small piece, 6″ x 6″, wood-cradled panel, titled “Transcendence.” This piece is an extension of my New Realm series and features the red and black butterflies seen throughout the series. I also added some of the flowers and blue swirls seen in a few of the other paintings in New Realm.

Aside from being part of the live auction on LPB during primetime, my painting is included in an exhibition of all the art up for auction at the Louisiana State Museum in Baton Rouge. The exhibit will be on display through May 18th. On-air coverage will be during primetime on June 7th at 6pm. You can also bid online at http://auction.lpb.org/. Just look under Gallery 17 Oak Street and you’ll find my work listed there!

If you’d like to see more of my work, or my entire New Realm series, go to my website at www.AmyGuidry.com. And if you’re a regular, check out my new home page design!

Women Painting Women

“Beginning” by Amy Guidry; From the New Realm series; SOLD; Copyright Amy Guidry 2009

I came across Sadie Valeri’s blog yesterday and what a great blog it is. Women Painting Women is entirely devoted to women artists and features paintings of women by women. I love the concept because, not that I think we need to distinguish between the two, but female artists often do not get the recognition that male artists do. There are many ideas as to why this is, which I won’t get into all that since I’m not looking to stand on my soapbox, just laud a fellow blogger. Anyway, I was struck by the images on her blog. The only information given is the title and size (and artist, of course), but that’s all you need, really, because it’s so moving just to look at the paintings alone. And I am thrilled to say that Sadie so kindly added my work to her blog. She chose “Beginning” from the New Realm series, which I find appropriate given the premise of the series. (You can find out more from my artist statement on my website www.AmyGuidry.com.) So check out Sadie’s blog…I’m sure you will be as excited to find it as I was.