It’s Not All Skeletons…

"Pierce" by Amy Guidry; (c) Amy Guidry 2010
"Pierce" by Amy Guidry; (c) Amy Guidry 2010

My latest work may be strange or grim or surreal, depending on whom you ask. So I thought I’d lighten things up a bit and show that I’m capable of painting a variety of things. Babies, for example. I do commissioned paintings every so often, so for this piece, I painted this delightful little boy for a collector of mine. The painting is titled “Pierce” and is 11 inches wide by 14 inches high, acrylic on canvas. The pose works great for this piece since he’s practically popping out of the canvas. And who can resist that face? The photo here doesn’t quite do it justice, but you can get a better look at it on my website under the Portraits category of the Gallery at