Art Galleries & Artists of the South Magazine, Volume 14, Issue 2, 2017Art Galleries & Artists of the South Magazine, Volume 14, Issue 2, 2017“Sentience” by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 6″ x 6″; SOLD; (c) Amy Guidry 2017
My painting Sentience was recently featured in Art Galleries & Artists of the South Magazine as part of a spread on LeMieux Galleries in New Orleans. Sentience has also found a new home. This was the first of my “butterfly eyes” paintings. The butterflies represent life- both are beautiful, fragile, and ephemeral. Sentience is an acrylic on canvas, 6″ wide by 6″high. You can view it online here: and view more “butterfly eyes” paintings from the series here:
Art Galleries & Artists of the South Magazine, May 2016
My painting Integral is featured in the current issue of Art Galleries & Artists of the South Magazine as part of the LeMieux Galleries spread. My 2-person show with photographer Lee Deigaard is coming up soon at LeMieux in New Orleans. Opening August 6th!
"Freedom" by Amy Guidry; From the New Realm series. Copyright Amy Guidry 2008
“Upcoming Shows:
My “New Realm” series will be featured at the Schepis Museum in Columbia, LA in the Spring of 2009. This will be a solo exhibit and will be on display as of March 3rd and will run through the end of April.
On December 10th, my work will be featured in the “Learn Promote Defend” exhibit and silent auction. The event is sponsored by the Center for Civil and Human Rights in conjunction with a 10-day program, “60 Years of Progress…10 Days of Recognition.” The exhibit will be held at Mason Murer Fine Art in Atlanta, GA.
As mentioned in previous blogs, I was asked to participate in “Twelve,” a group show of twelve artists represented by Wally Workman Gallery in Austin, TX. The show will open Saturday, December 6th, 2008 with an opening reception from 6-8pm.
Also at Wally Workman Gallery is the upcoming group exhibition, “Grand Affair.” I will also be showing as part of the represented artists. The exhibit will open in January 2009. More details soon.
I will be showing at Galerie Lafayette in Lafayette, LA for a second solo exhibit. My show in 2007 was a huge success, and now I will be showing my “New Realm” series there for the first time at that venue. The show is scheduled for the month of October in 2009. More details to follow.
As part of my recent attainment of representation by the Wally Workman Gallery in Austin, TX, my work will be featured in the upcoming edition of “Art Galleries & Artists of the South” Magazine.
My work was recently selected for the fall edition of “Studio Visit” Magazine. The juror was Carl Belz, Director Emeritus of The Rose Art Museum of Brandeis University. The magazine will be on newsstands later this month and is published by The Open Studios Press. The first copies are being sent to the publisher’s mailing list of national galleries and museums this week!
The winter edition of “Studio Visit” Magazine will also feature my work in early 2009. I was selected by Michael Klein, curator and private art dealer. He is also the former Director of the International Sculpture Center and former Curator of the Microsoft Collection. I received notification yesterday that the magazine is slated to be out mid-March of 2009. So be on the lookout.
If you’d like to see more of my work, aside from this blog, you can check out my online gallery at You can also find my work at To get monthly updates and show invitations, sign up for my newsletter under the contact page of my website.