I’m excited to announce the “arrival” of my new video project featuring In Our Veins. This latest video is an in-depth look into the series, discussing my thoughts behind several paintings, as well as some great closeup views of the work. The video is narrated by Cheryl Mack (she also narrated the New Realm video- many people have asked if it was me). My description does not do it justice- so be sure to check it out by clicking the image below or visiting Youtube at http://youtu.be/raQXeTBHJTQ.
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I’ve just finished my latest painting in the “In Our Veins” series! The title is “Interconnected” and is an acrylic on canvas, 6″ x 6.” Yet again, I took some photos along the way as I was working. I must admit they are not the best quality photos, though, since I didn’t mess with the settings on the camera and some are blurry, most are crooked. Yikes. And to think I had to take a photography course back in college… just goes to show if you don’t use it, you lose it. Which is why for the final photo, I rely on a professional. Anyway, this blind old bat much prefers working a few inches away from a canvas with a teeny tiny paintbrush. For a closeup view of the final painting, you can view it here: http://www.amyguidry.com/interconnected.html.