Tag Archives: desert


"Complacent" by Amy Guidry
"Complacent" by Amy Guidry

Upon the start of the Surreal Salon exhibit at the Baton Rouge Gallery Center for Contemporary Art, my painting “Complacent” has sold. The exhibit will be up through the 28th of January, so if you haven’t seen this piece in person, now is your last chance. It’s fairly large- 48″ across by 24″ high, so there’s a lot that can’t be captured in a jpeg on the internet. This painting was an image that came to me, but I sketched it out and waited to use it later when the time was right. It fit perfectly with the social commentary series I was working on at that time.

Also of note, Robin Miller’s recent article in The Advocate (the Baton Rouge, LA newspaper) about the Surreal Salon. My painting was also featured with the article, so I was happy to find that out as well. You can read it under the Press Section of my website at http://www.amyguidry.com/press.html.

Merry Christmas?

(C) Amy Guidry 2009
(C) Amy Guidry 2009

I know that it’s the holiday season and all, but I just had to post my newest painting. It’s jolly, I know. I’m fresh out of snowman paintings… Yes, the timing is probably off, but I’m so excited to finally share this new piece. It’s so new I haven’t even named the series yet. Any ideas??

This painting is titled “The Wild West” and is a 24″ x 30″ acrylic on canvas. It’s not on my website yet, as I am working on a couple more pieces to put on there as a group. Otherwise this one would be all by its lonesome. It took me forever to finish this painting. The others are not as grueling, but this one took over 188 hours. I’m surprised my hand hasn’t fallen off.

Be sure to check back on my website www.AmyGuidry.com to view this and other paintings from my newest series. While you are there, be sure to check out more of my work. You won’t find any snowmen or candy cane paintings on there, but I like to think you’ll still enjoy it. Happy Holidays!

Better Late Than Never

"Untitled" by Amy Guidry; (C) Amy Guidry 2009

It’s late for me this evening, but I realized after slaving over a three-layer tofu cheesecake that I hadn’t posted on my blog! Soooo I decided to go ahead and give you fine folks a peek at what I’m currently working on. Normally I like to wait until a piece is finished, but this one is close enough, I figure why not. It’s Thanksgiving after all. Though this isn’t what I’d consider a festive painting… This is one of the most surreal pieces I’ve done so far. I’ve taken an approach more in keeping with that of the original Surrealist movement by using images from dreams (or in that twilight phase of sleep). I don’t have a title for this piece yet, but I’m thinking I might leave it that way. So right now I’m just referring to it as “the painting with the horse and the carcass in the desert…” (I think it’s catchy.  Haha) I’ll be posting it to my website soon, as well as other new pieces I have in the works, so be sure to check back!  www.AmyGuidry.com