I’m happy to announce that my painting, Exposed, is featured on the cover of the latest issue of VEGAN Magazine out of the Netherlands. In addition, there is an interview featured along with more of my paintings inside. I’ve included images for those that can read Dutch.
I’ve recently finished two new paintings in my In Our Veins series. Encroach is an acrylic on canvas, 6″ by 6.” It serves as a subtle commentary on human intervention in nature while illustrating the connection of the natural world to all life. Reciprocal is the latest addition to the smaller series of paintings within In Our Veins. It is also an acrylic on canvas, 4″ by 4.” Reciprocal conveys the connection to nature by linking flora and fauna and uses the ribbon to continue the recent theme exploring anonymity versus connection.
In The Wild West, a skeletal horse and human hybrid, suggesting our practices of genetic manipulation, serves as a grim tale of foreboding. The skeleton, the horse skull, and the desert are symbols of cowboys and typical Western imagery. Television Westerns would typically portray life as good vs. bad, when in reality, the land, environment, people, and animals were all seen as a means to an end. The title refers to how the U.S., itself a part of the western hemisphere, is still taking over land, animals, and resources to this day, creating desert landscapes via clear-cutting and global warming.
I will have work in the upcoming “Emerging to Established” group exhibition at Krause Gallery in New York, NY in January 2017. The exhibit opens January 7th, 2017 with a reception from 6-8pm and will remain up through January 31st.
I’ve recently finished three new paintings in my In Our Veins series. Two of which are from my smaller, 4″ by 4″ paintings. I was particularly interested in doing a piece on forest clear-cutting because it is the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of global warming. The smaller paintings, Inseparable and Evanescence, are in reference to the connection of all life, which is the overarching theme of this series. View the paintings online: http://amyguidry.com/clear-cut.html, http://amyguidry.com/inseparable.html, and http://amyguidry.com/evanescence.html.
This week is the last week of my exhibit at LeMieux Galleries in New Orleans. My series, In Our Veins, is on view in the Main Gallery of LeMieux now through September 24th. You can also catch Lee Deigaard’s series, Near and Far.
I’ve had some great response to this body of work, including a feature in American Art Collector Magazine’s September 2016 issue. And Paul Bentley of the New Orleans magazine, Where Y’At, gave me a great review stating: “…Her dreamlike landscapes with animal, human, and natural forms mixing and dancing with each other create beautiful images that seem to be more than just a mere neo-surrealist tribute to Dali or O’Keefe. Her paintings create a dialogue with her obvious predecessors and influences, but they retain an original, calming, eerie, and downright intelligent attitude to them.”
More information on this exhibit can be found on LeMieux’s website.
I’ve finally finished my large painting as well as a couple of smaller pieces. All three are the latest in my In Our Veins series. The first is titled On the Rise and is an acrylic on canvas, 10″ wide by 20″ high. This piece was created in an effort to raise awareness of the plight of animals in the Arctic. Next is Arise, also an acrylic on canvas, 6″ by 6″ square. The skull serves as a landscape for wild horses, linking humans and animals. Lastly is the latest addition to the smaller paintings, Stem, which is 4″ by 4.” The deer wears a wreath of roses, representing their connection to each other and all of nature. View all three paintings online here: On the Rise, Arise, and Stem.
I am currently working on some new small paintings, one of which is this 4″ by 4,” acrylic on canvas. This is the initial rough layer of paint with some detail added to the ocean and sky. The finished painting will be posted here soon. In the meantime, check out the rest of the series here.