Tag Archives: vanitas

Coming this Summer

"The Black Plague" exhibit at The Congregation Gallery
"The Black Plague" exhibit at The Congregation Gallery

I have two shows coming up, well, one is this weekend (!!) and the other will be next month. I was delighted to know that my work was selected for The Black Plague exhibit at The Congregation Gallery in Los Angeles, CA. There is a rather impressive line-up of artists including Chris Peters, Buddy Nestor, and Karl Persson.  The show opens this Saturday, July 24th at The Congregation Gallery from 9-12pm.

Next month’s show will be at the Alexandria Museum of Art. I submitted for their 23rd September Competition and just received the good news yesterday. The juror for this year’s event is Kelli Scott Kelley. Ms. Kelley is an accomplished artist (I’m a fan of hers, so I really wanted to enter this show!) and a professor at LSU, Louisiana State University. There will be an opening reception and juror’s talk on August 27th from 6:30-8:30pm. The exhibit will be up through October 2nd.

If you would like a full list of my current and upcoming events as well as new work, be sure to sign up for my newsletter. The newsletter is sent monthly and I can promise that your email will not be shared with anyone (so you won’t receive any spam!). You can sign up on the contact page of my website- www.amyguidry.com/contact.html or send me an email.