Tag Archives: “Juxtapoz Art and Culture”

Best of Show

"Symbiotic" by Amy Guidry; acrylic on canvas; 11"w x 14"h; (c) Amy Guidry 2010

I had a nice surprise this weekend when I found out my painting Symbiotic received “Best of Show” in the Surreal Salon IV.  As a result, Symbiotic will be featured in ads in future issues of both Juxtapoz and Hi-Fructose magazine as the winner of the Surreal Salon.  I was excited just to have been accepted into the exhibit since these types of competitions receive hundreds of entries from all over the country.  The fact that two of the paintings I entered were selected was big for me, so winning the Best of Show award is beyond words.  It means a lot, especially in such a subjective field, and if I were a writer perhaps I could better explain this, but those of you who are artists know what I mean.  If you have not seen the show, there is still time as it will be up through the 26th (Thursday!) at the Baton Rouge Gallery – Center for Contemporary Art in Baton Rouge, LA.  Both my paintings The Pack and Symbiotic are featured and can be found on my website at www.amyguidry.com/symbiotic.html as well as in the online catalog of the entire show at http://issuu.com/batonrougegallery/docs/surrealsalon4.



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Learn Promote Defend

"And Justice for All. Void Where Prohibited" by Amy Guidry; SOLD; Copyright Amy Guidry 2008

Weird title for my post, right?  It’s actually the title of an exhibition that my work will be in next month.  I just got the great news this weekend.  I submitted my work back in September and just hoped for the best.  Apparently it worked…  Anyway, the show is called Learn Promote Defend and is sponsored by the Center for Civil and Human Rights.  That’s a mouthful, so I’ll go by CCHR for short.  The CCHR is located in Atlanta, GA and is having the exhibition in conjunction with a 10-day program called 60 Years of Progress…10 Days of Recognition.

Learn Promote Defend will take place on December 10th at 7 pm at Mason Murer Fine Art in Atlanta.  All three of my paintings (which is the max submission limit!) will be in the show.  The jury selecting works consisted of Sylvie Fortin, Executive Director/Editor of Art Papers magazine; Christopher Hauck, Atlanta-based painter, installation and multi-media artist; Jodi Hauptman, Curator of Drawings of the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), and Louise E. Shaw, Curator of the Global Health Museum, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"Choices" by Amy Guidry; Copyright Amy Guidry 2008

The paintings that I will be exhibiting are: Choices, Everything’s Coming Up Roses, and And Justice For All. Void Where Prohibited.  These paintings are from my Beneath the Surface series.  All three relate to different articles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  Some of them overlap and relate to more than one article, but all three had to relate to the UDHR in at least one article.

If you’d like to get a better look at these paintings (aside from attending the exhibit), you can also view them on my website www.AmyGuidry.com.

"Everything's Coming Up Roses" by Amy Guidry; Copyright Amy Guidry 2008

By the way, two of these paintings may look familiar to you… they were also featured on Juxtapoz Art and Culture’s website. You can find out more under the Press section of my website.