Tag Archives: skeleton

Studio Visit- Popular Topic These Days

"The Wild West" by Amy Guidry.  (c) Amy Guidry 2010
"The Wild West" by Amy Guidry. (c) Amy Guidry 2010

I’ve had a lot of interest in Studio Visit Magazine as of late. Hopefully most of you have found your answers in some of my recent posts. So low and behold, I received an acceptance letter (and email!) from Studio Visit Magazine. My work was selected for inclusion in the Summer 2010 edition. So this will be Volume…10? Not sure, but I think there’s a Winter edition about to come out…then the Summer edition. The juror for this volume was Dina Deitsch, Assistant Curator of Contemporary Art, deCordova Sculpture Park + Museum in Lincoln, MA. For those who don’t know, Studio Visit is published by The Open Studios Press and is the sister publication to New American Paintings. It is a nationally conducted juried competition featuring 2D and 3D work. Oh, and in case you haven’t seen it- the painting that will be in the magazine is “The Wild West” which I’ve included a small image of here. There’s a closeup of it on my website www.AmyGuidry.com


March Show

"Fragility" by Amy Guidry; (c) Amy Guidry 2010
"Fragility" by Amy Guidry; (c) Amy Guidry 2010

I’m excited about an upcoming show that’s practically right around the corner. Sure, I’m busy preparing, but I’m looking forward to the debut of my new series. I’m still tossing around some ideas as far as names go, but for right now, I’m just calling it my new work. One of these pieces includes “Fragility” which you can see here to the left. It’s a 6″ x 6″ acrylic on canvas and there are more where that came from.

Okay, details… The show is a group exhibit featuring a total of six female artists. My friend, Deborah Norsworthy, coordinated the show (she used to curate) and will be in the exhibit as well as Diane Pecnik, Marie DesJardins, Lisa Ayres, and Mary Attwood. The exhibit opening will be March 13th from 6-8ish PM at Gallery 549 in downtown Lafayette, LA. This all takes place during Second Saturday Artwalk, so if you live in Acadiana, you should be more than familiar with this event. And if you miss it, you can still catch the show through the beginning of April. Photos for this event will be posted at www.AmyGuidry.com!

Merry Christmas?

(C) Amy Guidry 2009
(C) Amy Guidry 2009

I know that it’s the holiday season and all, but I just had to post my newest painting. It’s jolly, I know. I’m fresh out of snowman paintings… Yes, the timing is probably off, but I’m so excited to finally share this new piece. It’s so new I haven’t even named the series yet. Any ideas??

This painting is titled “The Wild West” and is a 24″ x 30″ acrylic on canvas. It’s not on my website yet, as I am working on a couple more pieces to put on there as a group. Otherwise this one would be all by its lonesome. It took me forever to finish this painting. The others are not as grueling, but this one took over 188 hours. I’m surprised my hand hasn’t fallen off.

Be sure to check back on my website www.AmyGuidry.com to view this and other paintings from my newest series. While you are there, be sure to check out more of my work. You won’t find any snowmen or candy cane paintings on there, but I like to think you’ll still enjoy it. Happy Holidays!