Did You Miss Me?

"Adaptation" by Amy Guidry; From the New Realm series; Copyright Amy Guidry 2009

I’ve been away for a little while from my blog. Hopefully you’ve noticed. 😉 I’m working on a new body of work and am deeply involved in sketching out all the new ideas I have. Okay, so enough excuses. Here’s one new piece of information. If you haven’t read about it by now, my work has been featured in three volumes of Studio Visit Magazine. Studio Visit is the sister publication to New American Paintings and is published by The Open Studios Press. So now in addition to having my work in their publication, they have also featured me on their website. All past volumes of Studio Visit Magazine are now shown on the website and the winning artists from each issue are listed as well. In addition, those artists that have websites have a link to their site via StudioVisitMagazine.com. So if you’d like to check out the volumes that I’m in, go to www.studiovisitmagazine.com/volumes.html and click on an issue to see the artists. And if you’d like to view more of my work, be sure to check out my website at www.AmyGuidry.com.