Tag Archives: “University of Louisiana at Lafayette”

Panel Discussion

Louisiana Voices installation view, Paul & Lulu Hilliard Art Museum; Scultpure- Lisa Osborn, Paintings (left)- Linda Dautreuil, (center and right)- Amy Guidry

If you’ve ever wanted to pick an artist’s brain about their work, this weekend will be the perfect opportunity.  As part of the Louisiana Voices: Six Artists Speak to Us exhibition, there will be a panel discussion this Saturday, September 29th, from 2-4pm.  Five of the artists featured will be present to discuss their work with the public as well as their influence as an artist working in Louisiana.  Panel artists are Melissa Bonin, Linda Trappey Dautreuil, Troy Dugas, Amy Guidry, and Lisa Osborn.  The event is free and open to the public and will be held at the Paul & Lulu Hilliard University Art Museum in Lafayette.



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Louisiana Voices

"The Wild West" by Amy Guidry; acrylic on canvas; 24"w x 30"h; (c) Amy Guidry 2012

You may recall awhile back my mention of this upcoming exhibition.  It has been scheduled for close to a year and now the opening is right around the corner!  Louisiana Voices: Six Artists Speak to Us will be held at the Paul and Lulu Hilliard University Art Museum in Lafayette, LA as part of the Louisiana Bicentennial.  A couple of artists have been added since that early post so the featured artists are Melissa Bonin, Linda Trappey Dautreuil, Troy Dugas, Amy Guidry, Lisa Osborn, and Marjorie Pierson.  The exhibition will open September 15th with a reception the night before on September 14th from 6-8pm.

The exhibition will remain up through December 8th, so there will be plenty of opportunity to see the exhibit even if you miss the opening reception.  I should mention there will also be an exhibition panel discussion on September 29th at 2pm.  For more information about the exhibit visit: http://museum.louisiana.edu/exhibitions.



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