The latest painting in my In Our Veins series is now finished. Night Watch features a bobcat, which are adaptable and thrive in various habitats from forests to deserts. They are found throughout the Sonoran desert. The Zuni and Pawnee tribes see the bobcat as a sign of blessing. Among the Pawnee, the bobcat acts as a celestial bridge, symbolizing a connection between earth and stars. The Joshua tree, which grows despite harsh desert conditions, is seen as a symbol of hope and resilience. The beast heads are from a 17th century German book known as Aquarelle von Säugetieren, Vögeln, Insekten und Pflanzen samt deutschen Legenden (translated: Watercolors of Mammals, Birds, Insects, and Plants Together with German Legends). Night Watch is an acrylic on canvas, 12″ wide x 12″ high, and available on my website here: https://amyguidry.com/gallery/night-watch/index.html.
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