Tag Archives: recycled

A few of my favorite things

There are a lot of great artists in the world, many of which are living, and it seems that I meet a new one everyday.  I’ve come across some new artists (or at least new to me) as of late and thought it would be fun to introduce them to everyone on here.  I’ve compiled a list- some of which are not as unfamiliar to me but thought they should get their due- so here are their links to their work (in no particular order):

Alli Bratt- http://allisonjbratt.com/

Malcolm Bucknall- www.wallyworkmangallery.com/malcolm-bucknall.lasso

Mark Langan- http://www.langanart.com/

Denise Gallagher- http://denisegallagher.com/

Vladimir Stankovic- http://www.flickr.com/photos/therussian/

Isabelle Bryer- http://www.isabelle-bryer.com/

Sarah Ferguson- http://colorblox.wordpress.com/

John Alexander- http://www.johnalexanderstudio.com/

Colin Miller- http://colinmillerphoto.blogspot.com/