Tag Archives: “factory farming”

Mother Nature Network

“See animals and the environment through a surrealist’s eyes”; Mother Nature Network

I’m happy to announce that I was recently interviewed by the Mother Nature Network for a feature on their site.  Starre Vartan asked me about my work and the connection to animals and ecological welfare.  Here is just a sample of what we discussed:

MNN: In Our Veins is dominated by horses, deer, bears, wolves, rabbits, cows and humans. Why these animals?

AG: I feel like a lot of these animals blur the line between what would be considered domestic and what would be considered wild. As more wild habitat is being encroached upon by new houses and shopping malls, these animals are being forced out of their homes and find themselves having to adapt to this new urban landscape. They are wild, yet at the same time, people either think of them as cute nomads or dangerous intruders, depending on the species.

I’ll use cows because I feel like they are the epitome of the agribusiness animal. They are used for meat, dairy, and leather, and it’s because of them that forests are cleared and “predatory” animals are killed — all for the sake of ranching.

As for incorporating humans, I do so to emphasize that we are all part of the animal kingdom. I’ll sometimes combine a human with another animal to illustrate that connection. Other times, I may just paint the human brain as a symbol of sentience and our moral obligation to the welfare of these animals.

Read the entire interview here: http://www.mnn.com/lifestyle/arts-culture/blogs/surrealist-artist-amy-guidry-animals-and-our-environment.


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