Tag Archives: “childhood art”


Perfume Bottle drawing by Amy Guidry; SOLD; Done when I was 16 years old

I recently posted a few photos of work I did as a kid up through high school.  Funny, it never occurred to me that someone would be interested in adding one to their art collection…I guess because even though they are art, somehow I only considered work done during my “professional” years to be of interest.  That is until someone expressed interest.  I was also surprised by the enthusiasm people had over these once I posted them to my Facebook “Fan Page.” Even though they were all pieces I did on my own time, they were still part of my “sketchbook” assignments (even though they were not just simple sketches)  which I had to turn in weekly to show that I was working on my art.  This was standard for those in the Talented Art Program.  Every week I would show what I worked on, usually adding more to the same drawing, and wait for approval.  In some ways, it’s not all that different from how things are today.  So I think this serves as a great reminder that we shouldn’t be so critical of our own work- on the whole, if it’s good, it’s good, no matter how old it is, no matter the imperfections that we think we see, no matter how many times we had to start over.  No one else sees that, they just see a great work of art.


(Very) Early Days

I just posted some work from my childhood and teen years on my Facebook Fan Page.  I thought it would be fun to share on here as well.  I have been digging up older work for future projects- videos, mainly- and came across some fun pieces.  Of course I then remembered some pieces that I haven’t seen and don’t actually know what became of them.  As a kid, I gave away drawings, plus I think teachers ended up with some.  So I have some more digging to do apparently.  Here are a few of my finds (click on the photo to see the entire image):

And if you’d like to see what I’ve been up to lately, visit my website at www.AmyGuidry.com.