Tag Archives: “Afghan hound”

New Paintings

“Uprooted” by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 10″ x 8″; (c) Amy Guidry 2023

Happy to share two new paintings in the In Our Veins series. First is Uprooted which features an Afghan hound, one of the oldest domestic dog breeds in the world, dating back to 4000 BC, and also the first dog to be cloned. A fun little fact about this piece: the background landscape is inspired by 18th century painter George Stubbs’s The Kongouro from New Holland. Uprooted is an acrylic on canvas, 10″ wide by 8″ high, and you can find it on my website here: https://amyguidry.com/gallery/uprooted/index.html.

Next up is The Committee of Indecision which was created for Modern Eden Gallery’s Harvest exhibition. Harvest explores the symbolism of fruit and vegetables in art. The grapefruit is associated with many meanings, avoidance being one of them. This piece is an acrylic on canvas, 8″ wide by 6″ high, and available through Modern Eden Gallery’s website here: https://www.moderneden.com/collections/all/products/the-committee-of-indecision.


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