Selling Yourself Short

"Crutch" by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 12"w x 6"h; SOLD; (c) Amy Guidry 2014
“Crutch” by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 12″w x 6″h; SOLD; (c) Amy Guidry 2014

Some think that as a “new” artist, you have to start selling your art very low until you start selling like crazy, then you can raise your prices.  A lot of people would multiply the width by height of their art and that number would be the price.  Or if you’re “good,” you can then multiply that by 2.  What?

While there is some truth to starting out small when you are a new artist, it is absolutely ridiculous to think that a painting that took 40 (or more) hours to create should be worth a paltry amount.  Not to mention supply costs, packaging and shipping costs, and any other fees such as to your photographer or web designer.  Starting out, you won’t be able to recoup all of your costs, but that doesn’t mean you have to fall that short of doing so.

For the most part, I have yet to see any emerging artist overcharging for their work.  It’s usually the opposite.

Why is it that when we make something by hand, it must be cheaper than anything else?  Why are we willing to shell out more for some mass-produced, made-in-china crap than for something created, an original mind you, by a “starving” artist?  And why do artists feel that their work isn’t worth it?  Is it lack of confidence?  Is it because the grass is greener on the other side?  Whatever the reasoning, it needs to stop.

Be proud of your work.  It’s the only one in the world.  There are no others.  It’s unique.  And you made it yourself.  It was created from your imagination and unwavering dedication.  You spent endless hours sketching it, then actually producing it, forgoing weekends or holidays off, and time with your family just to finish this one piece of art.  Why settle for less?  Be confident in your work and the rest will follow.


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