Tag Archives: “Manx Loaghtan”

New Work

“Interlace” by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 4″w x 4″h; SOLD; (c) Amy Guidry 2018

I’ve recently finished a new small painting in my In Our Veins series.  This piece is titled Interlace and is an acrylic on canvas, 4″ wide by 4″ high.  It features a Manx Loaghtan sheep, which is a rare primitive breed of sheep native to the Isle of Man.  They were near extinction in the 1970s but their population has increased to where they are now “At Risk” status.  The human eye in the center of the rose refers to our connection to all flora and fauna.  You can view Interlace on my website as well as the rest of the series at: https://amyguidry.com/interlace.html.


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