Tag Archives: “LeMieux Galleries”

Opening / New Work

“Pervasive” by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 10″w x 20″h; (c) Amy Guidry 2017
“Sentience” by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; 6″ x 6″; SOLD; (c) Amy Guidry 2017

I’ve just finished both paintings previously featured while in progress.  Pervasive and Sentience will both be on exhibit for the opening at LeMieux Galleries in New Orleans tomorrow (June 3, 2017).  Pervasive has been a long time in the making.  I’m sometimes asked if living in Louisiana affects my work.  Given that my work deals with the welfare of our planet, many of the issues that Louisiana faces (habitat loss, flooding, BP oil spill, hurricanes) are something that I cover but on more of a global scale.  Pervasive is one of the most direct pieces I’ve done, focusing on the conservation of Louisiana wildlife and wetlands.  The BP oil spill not only affected the wildlife of Louisiana, but it continues to affect the wildlife of rest of the world to this day as bird and sea animals continue to migrate.  It may be asking a lot of a painting, but I hope that it has a big impact.

Sentience was specifically created for the “Face to Face” exhibit opening at LeMieux Galleries.  The exhibit features a range of interpretations of portraiture.  In Sentience, the butterflies represent the beauty and fragility of life, while the third eye represents enlightenment.  The eye is a human eye, referring to the fact that we are all members of the animal kingdom, and can see a bit of ourselves in the personalities of other animals.  Sentience is an acrylic on canvas, 6″wide by 6″high.

Both paintings will be on view tomorrow, June 3rd for the opening reception from 6-8pm.  The exhibit will remain up through July 29th, 2017.


Get the latest updates via my monthly newsletter: www.amyguidry.com/contact.html

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Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Amy-Guidry/51953219932

Artist Talk

This is a 30-second clip from my Artist Talk at LeMieux Galleries in New Orleans.  No matter how many times I have to speak in public, it’s always terrifying.  Which is why I often think that the things I don’t want to do, are probably the things that I should do.  Side note: this Saturday (Sept. 24th) is the last day to catch this exhibit!


Get the latest updates via my monthly newsletter: www.amyguidry.com/contact.html

Now on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amy_guidry_artist/

Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Amy-Guidry/51953219932

This Is It

Installation view of paintings "Anonymous," "Ascension," and "On the Rise" all by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; (c) Amy Guidry 2016
Installation view of paintings “Anonymous,” “Ascension,” and “On the Rise” all by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; (c) Amy Guidry 2016

This week is the last week of my exhibit at LeMieux Galleries in New Orleans.  My series, In Our Veins, is on view in the Main Gallery of LeMieux now through September 24th.  You can also catch Lee Deigaard’s series, Near and Far.

I’ve had some great response to this body of work, including a feature in American Art Collector Magazine’s September 2016 issue.  And Paul Bentley of the New Orleans magazine, Where Y’At, gave me a great review stating: “…Her dreamlike landscapes with animal, human, and natural forms mixing and dancing with each other create beautiful images that seem to be more than just a mere neo-surrealist tribute to Dali or O’Keefe.  Her paintings create a dialogue with her obvious predecessors and influences, but they retain an original, calming, eerie, and downright intelligent attitude to them.

More information on this exhibit can be found on LeMieux’s website.


Get the latest updates via my monthly newsletter: www.amyguidry.com/contact.html

Now on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amy_guidry_artist/

Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Amy-Guidry/51953219932

American Art Collector

I’m honored to announce that American Art Collector Magazine has done a feature on my current exhibition at LeMieux Galleries in New Orleans.  The article is in their September 2016 issue which is available on newsstands now.

"Amy Guidry: Strange Worlds" by Michael Clawson, American Art Collector Magazine, September 2016
“Amy Guidry: Strange Worlds” by Michael Clawson, American Art Collector Magazine, September 2016


Get the latest updates via my monthly newsletter: www.amyguidry.com/contact.html

Now on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amy_guidry_artist/

Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Amy-Guidry/51953219932