
APONIA Magazine, November 2016
APONIA Magazine, November 2016
From APONIA Magazine, "On the Rise" and "Exposed" by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; (c) Amy Guidry 2016
From APONIA Magazine, “On the Rise” and “Exposed” by Amy Guidry; Acrylic on canvas; (c) Amy Guidry 2016

My work is currently featured in the new issue of APONIA Magazine.  APONIA is a vegan fashion, art, and beauty magazine based out of Australia.  Several paintings from my In Our Veins series are featured as well as a lovely write-up by Thara Vidyaratne.  Thara writes, “...her ability to combine a high level of technical skill with the thorough conceptualisation of a philosopher, Guidry’s work creates surrealist images with the accuracy of photorealism.”  The issue is currently available to read online at: https://issuu.com/aponiamagazine/docs/aponia_magazine_november_2016_final.


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