Night at the Museum

Signing autographs- Amy Guidry with Troy Dugas at the AcA

No, I’m not referring to any movies… I have a solo exhibit coming up next year. This is the first ground-breaking news regarding this exhibit, so consider yourself special. My New Realm series will make its way to the Schepis Museum in Columbia, Louisiana in 2009. I don’t have all the details just yet, but the show is slated for March and April of 2009. So, yes, this will be a two-month exhibit as opposed to the usual month long ones of most places.

Guaranteed there will be new work and some you may already be familiar with in the show. If you don’t know by now, you can view my work on my website at As for the opening reception and show dates, I will have those details at a later date. Until then, I recommend you A) Sign up for my newsletter via the contact page of my website and B) Keep your eye out for details on this blog. And because I love getting mail (hint, hint), you can always email me, write me, or even call (!) for details regarding my upcoming shows, new work, etc. You know where to reach me- go to my contact page at